@lexibenzin @StarcraftWinter Greetings! We are working on a fix for alert issues in the game. More updates will be shared in future patch notes.
📢Dev Letter Update 9/6📢 We've taken notes on recent learnings and have some September plans to share with you.
Read the dev letter here: #PlanetSide2
@__ICoraxI__ Absolutely.
@TruliusTV Definitely needs some work. Something we'll be looking into given how this weekend's matches played out.
@Robo_Esq If you are able to capture Omega or Alpha base, even if it's cut off, it's still a win for the attacking team.
When the next Outfit Wars round rolls over on Monday, the rank numbers next to each outfit's name will appear incorrect. The actual matchups, match times, and the overall standings will be accurate, however. That visual bug will be cleaned up on Wednesday. #planetside2
@Robo_Esq In that instance, Alpha Team would win. There 'is' a visual bug that shows the wrong winner at the end of the alert though (should be cleaned up on Wednesday,) but it doesn't impact the match stats.
@SokaarL @planetside2 You may indeed be fighting 1TR because of the odd outfit number and tiebreaker points (SKL bottom of winners, 1TR as top of losers,) but I'd need to check with engineers, given of the circumstances. No plans to manually prevent rematches though.
@StarcraftWinter: 🔴Casting the first season of @planetside2 Outfit Wars 1v1!🔴
48 players vs 48 players in a combined arms arena to work…
(09/03) 1st Terran Rangers will match against SoKaars Legion at 5:30pm PDT.
(09/03) VSA will match against NeoLuxEterna at 5:30pm PDT.
We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. 2/2 #PlanetSide2
Due to an unexpected Outfit Wars schedule issue, the following Emerald outfits will have their matches tomorrow.
(09/03) 1er Imperio Terran Latino will match against Kneel No One at 5pm PDT. 1/2 #PlanetSide2
@roxxlyy: I am extremely honored to have been nominated for the Triple A Community Manager of the Year award with @thegamehers! I feel l…
@SokaarL We will have an official update about the Emerald match listing for some outfits affected by this issue shortly tonight. #PlanetSide2
Cobalt is back online, thank you for your patience. #PlanetSide2
@CaptainCoxPS2 @WrelPlays We are looking into this with those other outfits as well.
@CaptainCoxPS2 @WrelPlays We are investigating this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.
@Littlepetfrog @CaptainCoxPS2 @WrelPlays We're investigating why it is showing "in progress." Did it show 9/3 in this field earlier?
@CaptainCoxPS2 @WrelPlays What server are you playing on?
@CaptainCoxPS2 @WrelPlays 9/3/22 is your next match.
@deegthoughts: Kicking off @planetside2 's latest season of Outfit Wars tonight!