If you've just gotten your squad beacon cert line refund, you'll need to relog to get your beacon to become available again. #planetside2
@amokibazz You can’t get enough people on Test often enough to make iterative improvements.
Spawn system isn't taking offensive spawns into consideration at long distance. This is certainly working internally, so we'll need to see what got left behind with the last update. Sorry this is taking so long to get functioning the way we want it to, hang in there. #planetside2
RESTART YOUR GAME. You should get a small update in the Launcher, then hopefully no more crashing once you're in. Please report any additional occurrences. #planetside2
There is a speculative fix to our crashing issues deployed as a PC client update to Live. Restart your launcher to pick up this change. We also added additional logging to get more info about the system causing our problems this morning. Thank you for your patience.
@Strategyofminds @WrelPlays Its a memory leak related to the map screen UI. Looks like it will be a client only update once we get a fix ready.
@Sal_P_72 And blowing the dust out of the cartridge and everything else.
Currently investigating the issues with clients freezing. #planetside2
Servers are now unlocked. #planetside2
@97Luke_Fang I believe Drew wanted to make that change, so it won't make it into tomorrow's update, but it'll probably be in the next one.
@WrelPlays: Update tomorrow morning with some much needed changes and fixes: #planetside2
And the Reddit notes here: #planetside2
Update tomorrow morning with some much needed changes and fixes: #planetside2
NS Chaingun, coming to a theater of war near you. #planetside2
We rolled out a fix for maps that could end up in an unstable state forever, earlier today. You should no longer see this happening. #planetside2
Added bonus. Got a potential fix for the infinite disabled region state. So no more of this, hopefully. #planetside2
Lattice-based construction bases now have a unique icon. Neato:
@BushboyYT @planetside2 @DaybreakGames There will definitely be NSO specific vehicles in the future, but we're not going to reveal details until we're much, much closer.
@muldoonx9 The Dark Blue Furries.
If anyone sees the bug where the territory is stuck in an Unstable Meltdown state, please let me know as soon as you can, and on which continent/server its happening. We're having a hard time tracking down what's causing this. #planetside2