⚡️Members-only double XP event!⚡️ We're running 2XP for members now through Aug 31. Members get these other great benefits as well: ⏩Free monthly 500 DBC ⏩50% Bonus Nanite Regen ⏩Depot item discounts and more!
⭐️Learn more: #PlanetSide2
@Gryllssy Can you try now? It should allow you to connect to Indar now.
Website services are back from maintenance, thank you for your patience. #planetside2
🚨Website Service Maintenance🚨 We are bringing down our website services now for a routine maintenance. During this time all website services will be offline. Downtime ~ 2 hours.
All servers are back online.
⭐️Click for the full patch notes:
🚨Aug. 24, 2022 - PC Hotfix🚨 👉Speculative fix for the merit/mentor bug 👉Outfit Wars schedule date corrections 👉Misc. changes, fixes and more! 📅August 24, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CEST) ~ 3hr Downtime.
⭐️Click for the full patch notes: #PlanetSide2
📢Outfit Shoutout: MARSOC2📢 ✌️MARSOC2 is looking to recruit a full platoon on the Emerald server. They are a friendly group who run a variety of fun activities. Check them out!
👥Discord: #PlanetSide2
⛱️The End of Summer Sale is Live!🌞 ⭐️Seasonal bundles! ⭐️Up to 40% off category sales! ⭐️10 Day Members Double XP event! Both sales and event runs from Aug. 22nd - 31st.
⏩Learn more here: #PlanetSide2
📈Members Extended Double XP is Live!📈 🦾Members receive double xp daily through Aug. 31st!
⭐️Learn more about Daybreak All-Access: #planetside2
@CAMIKAZE78: It's that time once again! Time for some @planetside2 action as we continue raising funds for the amazing @Starlight_star c…
📢Outfit Shoutout: 22nd Engineering Battalion📢 👉New to #planetside2? Looking for an Emerald outfit?
⭐️Check out 22nd Engineering Battalion [22BT].
🛩️Happy #NationalAviationDay! ⭐️Enjoy an ESF tutorial by MpkstroffTR #PlanetSide2
⛱️End of Summer Sales begin Aug. 22nd🌊 ⭐️Seasonal bundles return to the depot for a limited time! ⭐️Members will have an extended Double XP event! Both sales and event runs from Aug. 22nd - 31st.
@FalcoForte @planetside2 @PS2Battles Killer track, nice work!
@FalcoForte: A couple of months in the making, but this is finally in a state that I'm proud of sharing with the world. Excited to cast…
@FalcoForte @WrelPlays @PS2Battles
@KitsuneBot2 Nah. Just a complex system that is doing more than it was meant to.