
Planetside Dev Tracker

22 Apr


Originally posted by Arashmickey

Welcome Back!

What part of the game do you want to work on?


Right now, anything and everything! I enjoyed working on some projectile mechanics and the death cam before, so developing something along that line in the future would be fun


Originally posted by 518Peacemaker

What do you mean by that? Like armor bouncing enemy shells? Boy would gameplay be different if we had something even close to warthunder style where sloped armor would deflect and flat armor would be the target.

It was never a planned feature. I had the idea while working on piercing projectiles and in a free moment I spent 30 minutes or so and had a proof of concept. However, it crashed the game in a way that would have required more development time to fix than I/we could give it.

Edit: I realized that I didn't fully answer your question. With my quick concept, bullets could reflect off of most terrain, but not players or NPC's. With the proper interaction, it could be made to ricochet off vehicles.


Originally posted by LorrMaster

Nice! He was working with bouncing projectiles on the side before, wasn't he?

I did! It was something I prototyped while originally developing the piercing mechanic. I have no idea if it will ever see serious attention, but I really enjoyed playing around with it!


Originally posted by le_Menace

u/Brushwild Welcome back, come play with us sometime!

Thanks! I'll have to take you up on that once I settle back in. Don't let me forget!


Originally posted by Alpha_141

Welcome back Garrett! Glad you're back to yeet me accross the continent again :D

Hehe :3

Glad to be back!


Originally posted by Psyco_vada

Was he the one who wanted to help colorblind people who play? Would he still be able to work on that?

Yes! I myself am colorblind, so I'm passionate about making those tweaks where and when I can. If given the opportunity after my required tasks, I would gladly try to implement more accessible features!


Originally posted by JeffK40

Was he with the team but was let go but now back?


21 Apr


Originally posted by AngerMacFadden

What work does he do? Glad to see you growing again. Though not as glad as yall must be!

Ah, yes, forgot to mention that part. He is a programmer.


As I mentioned a few weeks ago, due to the resurgence of PS2 over the past couple months, we've been able to begin slowly ramping the team back up. In this case, and fortunately for us, Garrett Brush (Game Programmer) has rejoined the Planetside 2 team at Rogue Planet. His first day back on the job was yesterday.

That's all. We're just excited and wanted to share with you all :)

External link →

We've discussed doing something with Twitch Drops a few times - the tl;dr reason we haven't done it yet is that it requires dev/code resources that were initially 100% focused on Escalation, and recently been challenged with keeping our planned update cadence on track while also providing live support with our current work-from-home limitations.

But yes, it's definitely something we want to look into more in the future - perhaps for the next major update, which we hope to share with you guys soon on our next livestream.


Providing an update here - after a deep dive into all the reported connection issues, we confirmed with our CDN (content delivery network) that one of their fiber connections went FUBAR and they’re working on repairs now.

So they haven’t dropped services, but people are probably being re-routed through all kinds of crazy network paths that are contributing to sluggish connection speeds, lag etc. The current ETA they’ve given us for a full restoration of services is 7PM PDT tonight, but I’ll share more updates as I get them.


Originally posted by Dingba

Connery for myself Jgolenbo

Thanks - looking into this today, the more info we can get the better


Any other servers apart from Connery getting this error?


Originally posted by AmbarabaCoco

eep getting this, planetside 2 launchpad was unable to connect 4-503

i don't know if you waited or closed the launcher right after the error but to me it happens sometimes, if i wait 30 secs/1 min and don't close, the launcher starts normally.

try to wait.

What server are you playing on?

20 Apr

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is a visual bug where if you had finished a directive before a weapon was added (in this case, you finished this in 2014 before Mjolnir was a thing,) you don't the new weapon appear as a directive option in your list.


Originally posted by JobiWanUK

Who would win in a real fight between Andy and Wrel? Or in true PS2 style, make it 3 way fight with Carto.

Carto is a lover, not a fighter..