
Planetside Dev Tracker

18 Feb


A couple things to clarify...

The lighting changes that are referenced in these screenshots were made specifically as a result of feedback about being unable to see enemies when the sunsets were at their back. There is no performance improvement as a result. These were made back in the 2015 time-frame.

The OMFG update, which as you all know was centered around client performance improvements, went live in late 2013.

Balancing looks and gameplay can be a challenging tightrope to walk.

17 Feb

16 Feb

15 Feb

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Would like to implement something like this in the future, would definitely be helpful.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is outstanding.


Hey all,

First off, thanks for all the love you've shown us this week - perfect timing for the holiday :)

I wanted to share Andy's letter (below) with an update on the launch timing of Escalation. He says what needs to be said, but I just want to emphasize his point that we wouldn't be making this call if we weren't getting quality feedback from all of you on Test, that we want to act upon before this update goes live. As always, THANK YOU! Enjoy the long weekend, and we'll see you all back planetside soon!


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