
Planetside Dev Tracker

20 Feb


In Nov/Dec, we were doing this with client-side updates. Before that, the team was working on streamlining the build/publish processes, as they were super error-prone and took way too long to promote a fix from our internal environments to the Live servers. I'm not sure if you noticed, but PS2 down times for updates have been reduced dramatically over the past few months, compared to previous years.

Over the past several weeks, we've had to dial is back a bit due to the team's focus on the Escalation update. But yes, we plan to transition back to doing this after the update goes live.

Also, as a few pointed out in this thread, depending on the changes/optimizations we make, some will require a full server bounce. But many; especially client performance improvements, can typically be hot-fixed without any server interruptions. These are the updates that can happen fairly frequently and the majority of the publishes we were deploying in the final couple month...

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Originally posted by greekmythguy

Sorry for not knowing all the RPG reddit handles but sounds like you are staff? If so, thanks for the reply and I guess I dont have to post this every day then haha

Yessir, and no apologies necessary - we don’t have Dev flags yet on the subreddit, but I’m the PS2 Community Manager (you can hit me up on discord at jgolenbo#0710 or Twitter @jgolenbo). Myself, Wrel, Carto and the big boss A_Sites are the RPG redditors you’ll see here most often.

But if it helps us get our insta handle back post as often as you like :)


Random timing, but I was just digging into this today - the account above is not an official PS2 account, we have no association with it. But they did grab the PS2 handle back in the day so we’re working on getting it back for RPG (especially since the account is defunct). Not a major priority with everything else going on, but ideally we can get this account or launch a new one for folks who prefer insta over Twitter or FB in the near future.


It's literally a hardware/manpower issue that Daybreak's ops team is trying to coordinate. I ping them weekly to check on the schedule and I'm due to check in again this week... will let you know if I get more details.

19 Feb

18 Feb