
Planetside Dev Tracker

26 Feb


This is powerful idea, thanks for sharing. I love this. Definitely will surface this with the design team and look at what’s possible with the (many) future updates coming to Sanctuary.


Originally posted by Neiist

Sleepy tea then idk, it's gonna come sooner or later :)

I'm embarrassed to admit how much coffee I've had today...

25 Feb


Sorry for the delay - we are running a few mins behind schedule. It should be up and unlocked within the next 10 mins or so.


Originally posted by 10_Miles

Don’t mean to sound greedy or anything, but will we get the Analyst helmet for participating? I’m gonna play either way, was just curious.

Not today, but we will likely do another playtest in the near future where you could earn one for participating.


UPDATE - 6:10pm (Pacific) - I've posted the results of today's playtests here:


UPDATE - 4:34pm (Pacific) - A fix for the server crash has been published and PTS is back up and unlocked. Our focus is still on client/server stability and the Bastion desync bug mentioned in my original post below.


UPDATE - 3:30pm (Pacific) - As you are probably aware, we encountered a server crash during the playtest. We have a fix checked in and are compiling now. We are planning to do another playtest in approximately 1 hour (4:30pm Pacific / 12:30AM UTC). We will confirm once the server is back u...

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