
Planetside Dev Tracker

15 Jun

13 Jun

11 Jun

10 Jun

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Greetings again all! Thank you for the warmest welcome. I have joined the community discord, although I will try to be as active on there as I can, I do ask for a little patience as I incorporate it into my work schedule. Feel free to reach our to me via DM there for all inquiries. See you there, soldiers!
    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Yeah, this is yuck. Never been a fan of the opaque shields, they've always felt weird for both sides. If someone wants to put together a list of where they still exist, I can make the adjustments.

08 Jun

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
This hotfix is schedule to go live tomorrow, Wednesday, June 9th, at 9:30am PT (6:30pm CEST). No downtime is required for this update, though active players will need to restart their client before seeing these changes. -- Misc. Changes, Fixes, and Additions
  • Lock-on Rocket Launchers once again deal damage past 250m. (This change was implemented last week.)
  • Outfit permission visuals no longer reset when using the scrollbar in the Outfit management pane.
  • Infantry no longer kneel while in the Valkyrie's rumble seat, and once again use their sitting animation.

03 Jun

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
We're getting closer and closer to one of our largest updates this year, one that drew a lot of community excitement during the announcement back in November. Today we'll take a moment to talk about what's on the way for the Nanite Systems Operative faction. Quick stats for what's gone into the revisited NSO faction so far.
  • 2 New Vehicles
  • 4 New Weapon HUD Overlays
  • 4+ New Vehicle Weapon Reticles
  • 6+ UI Screen Updates
  • 11 New Directive Trees
  • 15 New Vehicle Weapons
  • 35 New Infantry Weapons
  • 40+ New Particle Effects
  • 130+ New Sound Effects
Suffice to say, the team has been hard at work. NSO Faction Changes In this article we won't be going into too many sp... Read more
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
This is a second test with replying.
    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by 66eclipse

I think the issue is the whole merit/outfit loyalty loss from leaving an outfit. Seeing as the outfit wars cycle is over, removing this would solve the NSO outfit issue of leaving outfits via NSO.

If you remove the outfit loyalty/merit loss upon leaving, I think the new system won't really have any flaws.

This is something to consider. Could be specific to NSO given the nature of the faction, if it came down to it.

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
This is a forum test post. If you see this, feel free to leave a quick comment. The thread will be deleted soon. Expect this subforum to be a dedicated section to gather your feedback on each game update news article post.
    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey there. I'm paying attention to the feedback on this topic, and will weigh it in the balance.

To clarify some of the points, and share rationale behind the design.

Membership is required to join an outfit as NSO

This is true. On Live, you can't actually play your NSO character unless you have membership, so effectively nothing here changes for veterans.

People who stop paying for membership have to get kicked from their outfits

You do not get kicked from your outfit when your membership has ended, but currently lose access to outfit chat and war asset access. Losing access to the outfit coordination, basically putting you in robot jail, is to prevent players from playing for both teams at the same time. Example: You're in a TR outfit, but your outfitmates are fighting for NC. This doesn't represent the behavior we want to see in-game.

There is no reason to play nso...

Read more
    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

There was a miscommunication between teams regarding what the work actually entailed. All servers except SolTech are now back online. SolTech will be back up within 30 minutes. Sorry for the disruption.

02 Jun

31 May

29 May