
Planetside Dev Tracker

12 May

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Nobody uses the forums, where else will you be present?"
Greetings! I'll be scouring Reddit and our social media pages. Still going through some bootcamp here so I may not be actively posting on Reddit just yet, but I have already started reporting trends from there. I'll pop in on Discord soon! :D
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
[:content_encoded, :content, :description, :dc_description]
    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I can continue to give reasons why this auto join feature is not good for the game, but I feel the points listed are enough to warrant serious concern over this mechanic.

When it was first introduced, we saw an uptick in retention for new players and less churn in the first few days (a small, but important bump.) Even now, this feature hasn't been shown to hurt us according to the numbers. This is possibly due to new players falling into helpful squads more often than not, or for other reasons. But I think we all know that landing in a dead squad feels bad.

While feelings alone aren't a great basis for decision making at this sort of level, I agree that it should be disabled (made an opt-in instead of the default,) because the landscape overall has changed a lot since its introduction:

  • Mentor squads are less common
  • Cohesive squads in general are less common
  • New player/mentor chat has been introduced...
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    RPG_Wrel on Forums - Thread - Direct
All PC servers will come down for the following changes on Wednesday, May 12, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CEST). Downtime for this update is expected to last up to 2 hours. -- Misc. Changes, Fixes, and Additions
  • !! Adjusted the "Inconspicuous Crate" campaign mission's security console locations.
  • !! Much of the Containment Site interior and exterior has received visual updates.
  • Updated the turret locations on the Containment Sites to better match the new geometry.
  • Fixed various Containment Site geometry bugs.
  • Outfit resources are now displayed and can be earned from Containment Sites.
  • Fixed an issue with the Tempest Siphon lightning bolt icons appearing on the minimap capture points outside of a Containment Site.
  • Fixed an issue where a well-timed buoys could still wedge themselves beneath vehicles.
  • Fixed a typo in the VS "Containment" campaign mission.
  • Increased the NPC interaction ra...
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11 May

10 May

    RPG_Wrel on Forums - Thread - Direct
This server maintenance is now concluded, and had less impact than anticipated. We were able to bring down only the western server regions and lock the login servers. This maintenance lasted roughly 45 minutes total.

09 May

08 May

07 May

    RPG_Wrel on Forums - Thread - Direct
On May 10 at 7am PDT (4pm CEST) servers will be offline to conduct maintenance on one of our networks. This downtime is expected to last roughly an hour.