
Polytopia Dev Tracker

11 Sep


Originally posted by Responsible_Focus_36

No matter what map type I pick its always continents. Im a water world guy. Anyone else experiencing this since update?

Everyone's experiencing this, and we'll be fixing it in an upcoming hotfix


Originally posted by with_the_choir

I just want to reiterate, since the company never replied to the post above, that not being able to place a customs house reasonably for Elyrion is a major nerf.

They should be able to build the custom house on forest, perhaps at 10* (to make up the cost they would have spent if the forest had burned)

We are aware of this and are actively talking about it.

Who knows? Maybe Elyrion shouldn't even have Custom Houses and get some bizarre method of gaining stars.

10 Sep


Originally posted by Tryhard696

I agree with you, however I also think we should have a list of standardized maps for more fair matches (especially in continents), although that would have to be a pretty large list so maps aren’t predictable. It also makes sense since balancing is the main focus right now

That's the hard part here, we want exploration and discovery to be large parts of the Polytopia experience, even competitively. We don't want you "learning a map", but getting good at exploration and adaptation.

Reconciling that with a map editor has been one of the main hurdles.


Originally posted by Tryhard696

This would be awesome, especially when diplomacy comes out, we could have balanced, custom team battles that don’t rely on geography

See, that's the problem. "The Geography" (and the need for exploration of that geography) is like, one of the game's core components, and something we don't want to remove.


Originally posted by FishToaster

I was a little worried when I heard "Cymanti nerf," but on reading the details, I think it's a pretty decent set of balances that'll make them more fun to play. Of course, like everyone here, I've got one "but". :)
Increasing the cost of the raychi makes it really hard for Cymanti to cross oceans. The inability to put land units on ships means you're really reliant on algae to move them. And the inability to put algae on squares you don't control means you're really reliant on creating, then exploding raychis to complete bridges. It using Cymanti on water-heavy maps way harder because every such crossing is now much more expensive.

We'd like to remind you that poisoned naval units will spawn algae when they die.


Originally posted by Oh-no-it-

What did the old Oumaji scarf look like?

A poorly wrapped headscarf. Now it's a nicely wrapped headscarf.


Originally posted by Runner1928

Ha, it's not a real URL. 538 is an American stats website with elections and sports rankings. They use ELO and other methods quite a bit.
