
Polytopia Dev Tracker

23 Nov


While we like user content, this was removed for being one of the overdone formats, such as, but not limited to, a picture of a large army, low effort Score post, knight chain attack, Easter egg, huge city, picture of a spawn, or etc.

If you think this was in error, contact a moderator.


While we like user content, this was removed for being one of the overdone formats, such as, but not limited to, a picture of a large army, low effort Score post, knight chain attack, Easter egg, huge city, picture of a spawn, or etc.

If you think this was in error, contact a moderator.


How did you accomplish this?


Originally posted by SnooSprouts7283

Isn’t that because you work for them?

22 Nov


Officially, even "friendly" AI are still your enemies and still want to see you die at some point. Think of it less of an "alliance" and more like a "slightly friendlier cold war".


idk about you, but I can tell you that I don't hate Midjiwan. ;)



That sounds rough. Want to send me a DM and we'll talk more about it there?

18 Nov


While we like user content, this was removed for being one of the overdone formats, such as, but not limited to, a picture of a large army, low effort Score post, knight chain attack, Easter egg, huge city, picture of a spawn, or etc.

If you think this was in error, contact a moderator.


While we like user content, this was removed for being one of the overdone formats, such as, but not limited to, a picture of a large army, low effort Score post, knight chain attack, Easter egg, huge city, picture of a spawn, or etc.

If you think this was in error, contact a moderator.


This post was deemed "low effort" and was removed, either because either the point was not conducive to discussion or it was a meme of such low quality that it barely qualified as a meme.

If you have questions, contact a moderator.


Originally posted by oskarD3000

Removed what?

The post, because it was dumb.


Originally posted by oskarD3000

I officially hate this subreddit now

Don't worry, I've removed it. 😀

15 Nov


Originally posted by CosmoKramer_wastaken

If you look at the tribes in game, the ones you mets pictures, youll see a halo or some "danger" lines in the pic.

The halo indicates they wont attack you or take your towns, also allows you to freely move in their territory unless you attack or try to take a city.

To note: the polytopia company will be adding a Diplomacy upgrade after the shields, eventually.

The halo represents "friendly", but it doesn't mean "won't totally backstab you if convenient." I like to think of it less as "we're friends" and more "we're in an amicable cold war"

11 Nov


Originally posted by DirePantsX

u/zoythrus is this true?

Something like that.

08 Nov


This post was deemed "low effort" and was removed, either because either the point was not conducive to discussion or it was a meme of such low quality that it barely qualified as a meme.

If you have questions, contact a moderator.


While we like user content, this was removed for being one of the overdone formats, such as, but not limited to, a picture of a large army, low effort Score post, knight chain attack, Easter egg, huge city, picture of a spawn, or etc.

If you think this was in error, contact a moderator.


This has gotten a giggle out of me. I dig it.

05 Nov


Originally posted by Kulog555

I have come requesting STLs

Sierra Transcontinental Locomotive?


Originally posted by KingYejob

I hope u/Zoythrus sees this

sees this

04 Nov