
Polytopia Dev Tracker

10 Oct


Originally posted by A_Fat_Donkey

Midjiwan is also officially wrong, 0 points for linguistic accuracy :P

It was never about being linguistically accurate. :P


Officially, Midjiwan has dictated that it should be pronounced "Chin-Chi" ("Like 'chinchilla'," he says).

08 Oct


While we like user content, this was removed for being one of the overdone formats, such as, but not limited to, a picture of a large army, low effort Score post, knight chain attack, Easter egg, huge city, picture of a spawn, or etc.

If you think this was in error, contact a moderator.


Originally posted by ThebanannaofGREECE

Iirc stars aren’t just money but resources in general (wood food etc) which you would all need to advance. Also I think Zoythrus at one point (On a steam thread iirc) mentioned that not having the tech doesnt mean they can’t use what the tech encompasses, just that they cant do it on a governmental scale. Thats my opinion I hope you dont mind.

Can confirm. There's a difference between "eating some berries" and "harvesting, farming, and storing enough berries to maintain a population"


While we like user content, this was removed for being one of the overdone formats, such as, but not limited to, a picture of a large army, low effort Score post, knight chain attack, Easter egg, huge city, picture of a spawn, or etc.

If you think this was in error, contact a moderator.

07 Oct


Originally posted by xXSkrubKillaXx

What's wrong with the post?

Well, normally we get rid of stuff that's just a large army or long Centipede for being "boring".

This got some traction, so we'll leave it


While we like user content, this was removed for being one of the overdone formats, such as, but not limited to, a picture of a large army, low effort Score post, knight chain attack, Easter egg, huge city, picture of a spawn, or etc.

If you think this was in error, contact a moderator.


This is going into my private collection.

Good job!

06 Oct



I assume that a horde of semi-sapient beastmen probably have Elyrion handlers.


While we like user content, this was removed for being one of the overdone formats, such as, but not limited to, a picture of a large army, low effort Score post, knight chain attack, Easter egg, huge city, picture of a spawn, or etc.

If you think this was in error, contact a moderator.


This post was deemed "low effort" and was removed, either because either the point was not conducive to discussion or it was a meme of such low quality that it barely qualified as a meme.

If you have questions, contact a moderator.


While we like user content, this was removed for being one of the overdone formats, such as, but not limited to, a picture of a large army, low effort Score post, knight chain attack, Easter egg, huge city, picture of a spawn, or etc.

If you think this was in error, contact a moderator.


We'll allow this sort of post this time, but any more will be removed.


Originally posted by Beautiful-Recipe9116

I dont found the community settings

My apologies, it seems that they changed it.

Look for "User Flair Preview" on the right sidebar, you can change your flair by clicking the pencil icon.

05 Oct


Originally posted by Oh-no-it-

But an enemy shaman does wack a facehugger on my people to control their brains, yeah?

Yes. Getting the Bug onto an unwilling participant isn't always easy. Some in the platoon might even die fighting back.

Still, once it's on, the thought of "I've got a bug on my face" isn't so bad. You're not too sure why you fought at all.....


Originally posted by cross4444

I predict you're no attracting the kind of crowd you want with a game like this. I mean app sales are sales, but this definitely appeals more to people looking for a simple game.

And that's not a bad thing.

Midjiwan wants everyone to enjoy his game, whoever they are.


Originally posted by DemosthenesKey

Ah, damn. Maybe it’s because I’m on iOS instead of an Android.

We released the update today.


Originally posted by Bruno152kk

Thanks, I answered them.


Originally posted by tankxander

I might as well rephrase it to see if we can get a proper response from zoythrus, why was the app photo changed? Any particular reason?

So, there are 3 main reasons:

  1. We ran a study on app icons, and noticed that downloads increased by 20% when this icon was the one representing the game on the App Store/Google Play.

  2. The app icon was changed to match the store icon, since the store icon was so popular (as per reason 1). This was to reduce confusion.

  3. We wanted to change it.