
Polytopia Dev Tracker

04 Oct


Originally posted by juan_furia

Any chance we can get the trees back for Elyrion?

We don't want Elyrion to remove trees in any way, but we are looking into alternatives.

02 Oct


Originally posted by BelowTheBenthic

The big question: did all the music get pitch shifted down a touch?



Originally posted by Titan-Five

Will they be in the game at all?

Outside of any purely cosmetic appearances that have no bearing on gameplay? No, and even cosmetic appearances probably won't appear, either.


Originally posted by Correct_Theory

Is it though? Cause the one with the quetzali diplomats description seemed to have both the quetzali leader and the bardur leader. Could be wrong tho.

Nope, those were just Diplomats.

01 Oct


Originally posted by Zoythrus

Because it hasn't been released yet

Let me confirm - it's out for Android and Steam, not IOS yet


Originally posted by Oh-no-it-

Does the combining two tribes thing still work?



Originally posted by bottleisempty

Hmm, still not seeing the patch for ios…

Because it hasn't been released yet


Originally posted by TheNeatPenguin

I love the hoodrick king in the tower, nice detail

"Ah yes, me, the King, the provider of stability throughout the Hoodrick lands and whos existence prevents turmoil and power struggling throughout the nobility, will stand 5 feet away from an active warzone to get a better look. There is nothing wrong with this plan."


Originally posted by eisthefifthletter_

Ooh, finally a war scene!

Last year's Hoodrick Tribe Moon was just too wholesome, eh?

A lot of firsts!

First war scene, first depiction of a Polytopian dying, first reveal of a tribe leader....