over 2 years
ago -
Direct link
You can access the Genetics Lab by:
>clicking on the Nursery Status tab on the left side of the screen when in-game.
>under the incubation slots you will see an option to access the Genetics Lab.
You can also access the Genetics Lab by clicking on the Animal Nursery building, and clicking "Open Nursery Menu".
Hope this helps!
- Rosie (PK Community Manager)
You can access the Genetics Lab by:
>clicking on the Nursery Status tab on the left side of the screen when in-game.
>under the incubation slots you will see an option to access the Genetics Lab.
You can also access the Genetics Lab by clicking on the Animal Nursery building, and clicking "Open Nursery Menu".
Hope this helps!
- Rosie (PK Community Manager)