PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker

17 Dec


Originally posted by T0N372

Can we expect bots to be removed when queue are healthy? What’s the point of having 20 bots if a game can be quickly filled by real players? PC player here.

My feeling: I would love bots to serve 2 functions:

  1. A great tool to help new users
  2. A "break in case of emergency" feature to pad out a game

My preference is the Chicken Dinner to be won against humans.


Originally posted by 1RnSghT

why weren't major streamers like chocotaco, halifax etc in the call about future of the game? wouldn't you want the top streamers comments?

My understanding is all of our partners got an invite- I love those guys. But we don't just want top content creators- we wanna hear from everyone! Pros, streamers big and small, PC players, Console players. I think Reddit is a great place to get feedback out there, Twitter as well- don't wait for us to call you, get involved and reach out!


Originally posted by BryanElite9

Not sure if this is still going but I wanted to ask, how much of the game focus is on lore? I'm a huge fan of PUBG lore and have read way too much into it so I've been wondering if lore is a big focus of the game or not considering the lore is so ridiculously deep for a BR game. Story guys doing amazing work

I know a very special creative department that is smiling ear-to-ear on this comment- be sure to check out to go deeper. What's up with those spooky Haven servers?


Originally posted by winterymint

What ideas will be made to break the downtime after the initial drop and the final circles? (PC)

It's only downtime if you don't have much to do...


Originally posted by YDDEEE


I like the last updates with handgun support for driving and the parachute on Haven !

Do you think we are going to see ladders, zip lines or even rappel (R6 style) added to the game ?

Also I would love to see handgun support while swimming or while climbing on ladders or sliding on a zip line (like Far Cry).

(PC player)

We are 100 percent looking at traversal options- our big focus is making sure it's a feature people will actually use. Being on a ladder, or a zipline, for example, leaves you exposed- so it's important to have designs that really demand the feature, rather than just making the feature and then just kinda jamming it in the map.

16 Dec


Originally posted by EldiaForLife

Flamethrowers are traditionally a 'liquid' weapon but most games apart from Rising Storm treat them as hot air guns.

What makes the flamethrower in RS so amazing at area denial and pure power, is that the actual flame acts like a flaming liquid. So it splashes of surfaces, enemies etc. Allowing you to coat an interior from outside by simply spraying and letting the flame settle on the floor

Akin to how the pubg molotov works

Great context- TY- check how the Kill Truck's firebombs work in Haven- maybe something similar?


Originally posted by breon

Karakin has "anti-camping" features that help motivate players to keep moving (black zone, destructible walls). In contrast, Haven has features that encourage people to stay indoors (murder truck, spotlight helicopter). Will future updates/maps/modes lean more towards one way or the other? (PC/Steam)

No, we aren't biased one way or the other- rather, it's about offering a spectrum of experiences. As you say, chasing players inside, or outside, are two very different things. There is no "correct way" moving forward- just exploring ways that feel different from previous maps.


Originally posted by PajamaDad

What systems might we see implemented or changed to allow more meaningful differentiation in weapons?

-Xbox player primarily

I can't say today (so sorry!) but we literally had a meeting about that today. But yes, even with a game with such a short Time-To-Kill, we have room to give our weapons even clearer, distinct identities.


Originally posted by D4Cr0K

Hi Dave ,

First of all , thank you for this amazing game, i am playing since 2017 and it's, for me, the best action shooter BR on the market.

The "haven" map is a killer and i want to know if you've considered leaving it playable after the end of season 10 ?
Because it's very unique and i waited so long for that kind of gameplay in your game. The chopper and pillar car add so much tension to the games. I absolutely love the ideas.

My platform is PC , thank you.

I'm glad you are digging it!

The reality is this really comes down to player sentiment- Karakin, for example, started off as an event map, but had such a positive sentiment we had to keep it around for a little while longer.

If a lot of people really love Haven we will need to reevaluate our plans- but for now, consider it a limited time engagement.


Originally posted by SniperAsh6

  1. Which area (or areas) do you think need the most attention?
  2. Do you intend to make public a high-level roadmap like we saw a couple of years ago?
  3. You've met with streamers to get their perspective, will you also be doing the same with the competitive community as well?

PC - Thanks

I don't think there is one magic bullet, sadly. It's big mix of quality of life improvements, gameplay innovation, polish/performance optimization, and making a game that is interesting for the veterans, and brand new alike.

I'm pushing hard for us to release a roadmap- we've got big dreams, would love to get some dates in front of yall.

I'll meet anyone they put in front of me- I love hearing from every level of PUBG player!


Originally posted by Lkoza1

How is your work environment? I know that us gamers screaming at you guys all the time for things like "fix this" and "I can't believe" would get very tiresome. So thankyou everyone working on this game for what you have accomplished and still listening to us while doing your best to adjust so many factors to keep us playing

That's a very kind question. So to be frank, all feedback comes from a place of love- the only thing worse than being hated is being ignored. When our players are frustrated, it means they enjoy PUBG and they want it to do well- and so do we.

I'm thankful to all of our players, even the cranky ones, because we are all in this together. It's true- you can't please everyone, and it's dangerous to try- all we can do is push to make the best game possible, and hope the majority of folks follow us for the ride!


Originally posted by polomarkopolo

Hi Dave... if there was one thing/concept/notion you could get PUBG's playerbase to understand... what would it be?


I think it would be empathy. Not for us devs, no, never for the devs lol.

But for your fellow players. This is truly a world wide game with an enormous global audience, and with such a diverse playerbase, I promise you it's really quite rare for there to be unanimous sentiment on pretty much anything. Sure- all players can recognize a bug- but for anything subjective- preferences on perspective, map size, playstyle- let's just say there is an audience for everything.

Also keep in mind, you may be playing with a hardened 3000+ hour monster, or some curious new player that picked it up based on a recommendation, and our job is to provide a challenging environment for everyone to have fun.

We want to build a game with longevity (so far so good, we're almost at our 4 year anniversary), and that means making something that is fun for noobs and veterans alike.


Originally posted by whattarush

Since we have seen such an evolution of PUBG this year; my question is can we expect any new weapons or weapon attachments that might evolve the game further (ie. Grenade launcher, flamethrower attachments)?


-PS Player

For sure- we are looking at new weapons, and more importantly, new categories of weapons, for 2021!

Flamethrowers never seem to "do it" for me- they always seem a little underpowered, especially in games like PUBG that feature a very short time-to-kill (TTK). Do you have a favorite flamethrower from other games?


Originally posted by lawdbarefoot

I’m a day one player who can never stay away from this game for very long, nothing else comes close to satisfaction of getting a great kill, and especially a chicken dinner.

However, I do worry about the longterm viability of keeping a healthy player base. It’s a tough game to just play casually or pick up and learn. What are you plans to both ensure player retention and pick up new players?

Thanks, I play on Xbox

This is such a great question- as you say, this is a killer game with a narrow funnel. The overall skill ceiling is so much higher today than it was just 12 months ago- it's a positively sadistic experience for brand new players to land among all of you sharks.

We have a few options.

The first- we owe new players an awesome onboarding experience. This could perhaps be a robust tutorial- something that isn't as freeform as the training range?

The second, is to widen the funnel- offer more ways for players to have fun than "be amazing at guns day one", with the hope that our experience is sticky enough to graduate them from noob to veteran.

Can new players find ways to contribute to their squad? Can they find satisfaction in the exploration and survival phase?

I think through old levers (player count, circle settings, loot settings) and new levers (new gameplay expressions) we can give our most vulnerable users more reasons to stick around...

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Originally posted by Siannath

Will you consider adding the option to choose a random helmet from all your owned helmet skins? The same with every other gear that you may have multiple skins of (backpacks, weapons, parachutes, etc.)

My platform is PC. Thank you.

EDIT: I will be more clear: my idea is not for the outfits, but for the gear: skins for weapons, helmets, backpacks…

Are you thinking "with this costume set- no two games are the same, I'll never know what I'll get until I'm dropping", or like a "random" button in the character customization menu to just barf out a random outfit?


Originally posted by -Revy-

Hello Dave. Can you talk about or have someone who works in the audio dept for PUBG to give us more details or what’s being done about the atrocious audio levels in PUBG. Like so many have likely already mentioned, PUBG has caused them hearing damage from playing this game at levels after prolonged duration can cause hearing loss or tinnitus. As you know those are non-reversible. Several very popular streamers have mentioned this. I myself have mentioned this to several community managers and PUBG support numerous times with no reply (Twitter, discord, Reddit, email). The guns, environment, red zone, almost everything are too loud compared to footsteps. You can see where this is leading. Almost all other games have much better audio implementation and do not need external apps like soundlock, voicemeter, etc active to play their game.

I’m also reaching out for players with hearing disabilities. You’ve added options for visual impairments, why is audio been neglected?

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I'm all about more accessibility features for gamers. It's a hard nut to crack, as a major component to PUBG is spatial awareness- but that doesn't mean it's not a worthy endeavor. I'm sharing this sentiment with the audio team. TBH, they always have a few things rolling- this may already be on their radar.

I appreciate the question.


Originally posted by Siannath

Are you aware that the game uses a damaging audio dynamic range?

A very compressed dynamic range make it sound overall flat, thats the reason why a ample dynamic range is desired, but a very ample dynamic range is damaging, meaning that the volume required for hearing the softer sounds implies a too big volume when sudden loud sounds appear. This is the problem. We need a more compressed dynamic range to solve this.

My platform is PC. Thank you.

I've forwarded to the sound team. I know they are working to always make stuff better- I remember my first day at work (3.5 years ago) I was killed during playtest and it was so loud I almost broke my keyboard in surprise.

Thank you for sharing this!


Originally posted by motoshadow4

You've mentioned your love of the bigger maps but what are your thoughts on introducing new guns?

If you introduce new guns will these likely be map specific or globally available? What types of guns do you think should be added (if any)?

Thanks, and welcome onboard!

Big time yes to new guns and vehicles. I understand the idea of map specific experiences- like, the Tukshai would just feel weird in Miramar, right? But I do think there's value in spreading new weapons around, to allow players to really find a groove.

As for weapons- I'm a huge shotgun fan, and as we are looking at larger maps- Snipers and DMRs are on the menu as well.


Originally posted by Hogging_Moment

Pineapple on pizza.

Yes or No?

(This one is important! PC Gamer.)

When I was a boy, no- but now that I am a man- kinda.


Originally posted by Macsterr

Hi, you said in an older interview that Karakin was planned as an "event map", why did it end up in the normal map rotation? Platform: Xbox

Yeah- we planned on it being an event map, but it's pick rate was super high/fan attachment was high, so the team decided we should hold onto it for a while longer. With that said- with a live service game, maps can always go into the vault/come back later.