Original Post — Direct link

When I was playing Vigel on Tenderloin Neighborhood in San Francisco, suddenly in the middle of the match on solo, I couldn't fire my gun. I was essentially helpless. I rushed to the extraction zone, but I was shocked when I discovered that I couldn't press the button to extract. Vigel went M.I.A because I couldn't fire my gun and couldn't extract. I hope what I just said will help you fix it.

about 5 years ago - UbiInsulin - Direct link

This patch is being pushed live tonight: https://forums.ubi.com/showthread.ph...ng-Patch-Notes , and it includes a fix for the World Tier issue.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Orion - Direct link


Hey there.

Sorry to hear you've encountered this. In order for us to further investigate, please provide the following details for us to relay to the Rainbow Six Extraction team:

- Does this happen often or was it a one-time thing?
- Does this happen only with specific operators / weapons, or does this happen with many different operators?
- Please provide any additional details you can that you took leading up to this issue occurring.
- If possible, please provide a link to a video of this occurring.


over 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey there @sylvy_ and @llRade , thanks very much for your reports of this issue, and thanks to @dogster16 for coming back to us with that clarification.

Our teams are currently investigating this issue internally, but we've not quite been able to reproduce it on our end.

@Sylvy_ , can you tell me what sort of drone you'd thrown?

@dogster16 and @llRade , can you describe what you were doing before this happened?

@llRade , can you let me know which operator you were using, and on which map?

Let me know if I can clarify any of these questions!