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Just tried to buy the Sand Trap weapon skin set but nothing happened after i clicked on confirm.
Tried to buy the Vigil Sand Trap set and got a Error message. Restarded the Game several times with the same outcome. currently in the process of verifying the game files to see if something is broken, but apparently the Shop is just straight up not working for me. Has anyone else experienced this, is there a fix?

almost 3 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

Greetings to the forums, @doritobanditz! Sorry for the trouble you are having right now. What error message are you currently receiving, and are you initially accessing Rainbow Six Extraction on the Ubisoft Connect launcher? If so, please make sure that your launcher is also set to run Administrator Rights. I would also try Emptying the Cache of Ubisoft Connect and ensuring no VPN software is enabled when trying to purchase Vigil's Sand Trap set.

almost 3 years ago - UbiSushiVamp - Direct link

@doritobanditz Thanks for giving that a try and hello, @kai2275! Could you please also try to change your Ubisoft Connect password? Sometimes a password reset will help resolve these issues.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Gizmo - Direct link

Hey guys, I am sorry to hear that more of you have been experiencing issues placing orders within the in-game shop. If you are still experiencing issues, can you please go through this connectivity troubleshooting article for me?  I have just looked into it from my end, and I can confirm that all of our Rainbow Six Extraction servers are running as intended. The steps included in the article will ensure that your connection is optimal to our servers.

If you have exhausted those troubleshooting steps, but are still experiencing issues with the in-game shop, can you please elaborate further and share the following information for me:

  1. What platform are you playing on?
  2. What error message do you receive when placing the order through the in-game store?

It might be a bit delayed and I would recommend restarting your game to see if the content has shown up and synced properly. If anyone has any questions or runs into any other issues, please do not hesitate to let me know.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Mercury - Direct link

Thanks for sharing this information @lil4_cl0ud! Would you please also confirm if you were able to try the connectivity troubleshooting article previously provided by Ubi-Gizmo?

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Gizmo - Direct link

Hey there everyone, we have an update to provide regarding issues when attempting to purchase items through the in-game store. I can confirm that the development team is aware of this, and they are currently hard at work investigating the problem. Further updates regarding this will be posted in our News and Announcements section. Thank you all for sharing the steps you have tried, and also for bringing it to our attention, we appreciate your patience whilst the team continue to look into it.

@lil4_cl0ud - I am glad to hear that you are no longer experiencing the problem!

If anyone has any questions or runs into any other issues, please do not hesitate to let me know.

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