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Hi, I have a non-gaming laptop in which I've played Siege, Wildlands, The Crew 2, etc... Obviously on low or medium settings. I get the message RainbowSix Extraction Vulkan Error: The installed driver version Nvidia 425.31 is not supported, the minimum supported driver version in 471.41. The game will now exit.
I can't seem to update my Nvidia driver, because they stopped doing it in 2020 if i recall well. Can I do something about it, apart from buying a new PC?

about 4 years ago - Avanya - Direct link
Sounds like you're having problems with the launcher not installing right this time around. Try the steps in this thread, and if that doesn't work, follow the steps at the end to contact Paradox Support.

over 2 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

Greetings to the forums @Camperkira. I would check on the Offical Nvidia page to ultimately ensure you can access the supported driver version. However, if you have already tried this, this will be the only solution we can provide if the minimum requirements are not met, I'm afraid. Apologies for any difficulties this causes. If you have any questions, please keep in touch with us here.

over 1 year ago - Mayra - Direct link


Please follow the stated in the Official servers guidelines to submit a ticket. Make sure to select “Official server performance” as the issue type:

You can read the full version of the Guidelines here:

10 months ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

Can you try uploading the log file? This should contain information regarding “what went wrong”.

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about 1 year ago - CO_Avanya