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So, as I was troubleshooting through the day, I was able to make the game run successfully however the performance was underwhelming - stutters and FPS drops - which makes the game unplayable. I noticed the game simply uses my integrated graphics card.
Highlighted with red.
And I cannot make it switch to my dedicated higher performance GPU. I tried to adjust it in the geforce panel. Nothing worked. I did make my GPU default, but the game still doesn't recognizes it. Did try to adjust it within the windows. It did not work after either.
These are my specs for my rig (I also run a Windows 10 x64)

A little extra detail, another user is having the same GPU as mine (NVIDIA GeForce 1060 6gb) and they experience the same issue, they can't switch the GPU either.
I require further help with this.

about 3 years ago - UbiMint - Direct link

Hey there, @Szakembor!

After making sure your GTX 1060 was set as the dedicated GPU, did you try restarting your PC and then relaunching the game? If not, please give that a try as well as verifying your game files. Please let me know how it goes!

about 3 years ago - Ubi_Plush - Direct link

@szakembor Please let us know if rolling back the driver was successful.

If the issue is reproduced, I recommend a clean install of the latest Nvidia driver to ensure a proper setup before launching.

@Chphantom would you also provide your system specs so I can better assist? If you are not sure of your specifications, you can run a DxDiag report. After you have ran the DxDiag report, please tell us the following: Operating System, processor, memory (RAM), and display card (graphics card) name.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-SpaceCats - Direct link

@survivor_m Hi there! Have you made sure your graphics drivers are fully updated?

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