Original Post — Direct link

Hi how are you, is there anyway I could be forwarded to the people who deal with streamers and features? Unfortunately I keep getting streamsniped everygame while playing siege due to the amount of people in my stream since it is currently 100, as I also do average anywhere from 50-150 viewers and wanted to know if there was anyway I could be enlisted to the streamers who have early access to the streamer mode beta-testing as I would love to keep making content without having to switch accounts consistently.

Ingame name: Cucid
Uplay name: Cucid

about 2 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

Hiya @cucid, sorry to hear that you are running into this during your streams. While our team is working on improving this experience for our streamers, we have provided a few settings to help mitigate this behavior during matchmaking while you are streaming. Please note that we continue improving on these settings this year, as mentioned below.


We will be keeping everyone updated once we have further updates are shared. You can also watch for our news and announcements here, and if you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to send it our way!

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link

Hey @Cucid, thanks for your response there!

I am unsure whether there would be any possibility to invite more players to Soft Launch of the feature, therefore accordingly, have reached out to our game team and brought your name forward just in case 🙂 .

Enjoy your game-time and should you happen to have any further queries or run into any other difficulties, feel free to reach out at any time!