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I had purchased the year 7 premium yearpass that gifted all battlepasses for year 7 and 20 tiers unlocked.
After updating to the new season of Rainbow 6 Siege, I'm missing the battlepass tokens that were given to premium owners. I'm on the first tier but the label says tier 22.

Even after playing multiple games, the battlepass is not progressing and I'm neither getting any tokens nor the one's for the premium pass.

As per the announcement the issue was fixed but I'm still facing the same.

The chat option is removed from Ubisoft support and I can see many people having the same issue but no response from Ubisoft on the forum. The R6fix site is a joke as well as the hotfix. God knows when we will get the next fix announcement from Ubisoft.
This season was supposed to bring back players but all my friends that I invited to play uninstalled the same day.
Anyways nobodies gonna read my post from ubi as it will be ignored by the heading. Reply below if you're facing the same.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Boost - Direct link

@Morpheus7000 @BABYWO1F @DygRyz @MTO_Jogginghose Hey guys! I'm sorry to hear you all are having this issue with the Battle Pass. This is an issue that's still currently under investigation by the team. I recommend keeping an eye on the game's Discussions page for updates.

Thank you!

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Havoc - Direct link

Heya @BigTTGothiccGF @noob_nodoka @PixeLeon1 thanks for adding your reports to this thread. Please continue to keep a lookout for any updates as our team investigates.