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I got Rainbow 6 on steam a few days ago and now as a attempt to play i get the error:

Matchmaking Error
Rainbow Six Siege error code: [2-0X0000D00C]
You are unable to join the match at this time because you abandoned a previous match.

I've played on a free weekend but that was for ever ago and I don't ever leaving a match. I'm not even a high enough level to play ranked so I have no idea why this is happening. I've tried validating local files, and even changing to every possible data center, yet... no luck. Does anyone have a fix?... Has anyone else had this happen? I just want to play the damm game.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello there @grimm_shady1 thanks for getting in touch.

We currently have no steps or troubleshooting we can give you to fix this error code but we are investigating this now.

For more information on this error code and temp ban, please see our main thread about this issue here >>