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I'm playing this game casually, only 27 hours recorded play time on Steam mostly doing PvE never play ranked. Today when I try the new Vulkan API which showed up on steam upon starting the game, it run successfully when I bench-marking it. Then I try the quick match, waiting a few minutes then get Permanent Ban.

I confused. I received an email saying "YOU WERE DETECTED FOR SUSPICIOUS BEHAVIOR", which confused me even more: What is so suspicious about my behavior? My appeal has been denied with Ubisoft support replying "Even after the investigation of your account, the breach of the code of conduct could be confirmed. Therefore the ban won't be lifted."

Last time I played was like 3-4 months ago, I don't even remember. I feel violated. Why I was banned? What is exactly "Suspicious Behavior" means? Is this different from cheating/toxic behaviour? Because SUSPICIOUS BEHAVIOR sounds so vague.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Hi there! Since we are unable to assist with ban appeals on the forums, please submit a ticket for an appeal. Thank you for your understanding.