Original Post — Direct link
Hello all,

I have discovered a game breaking glitch. This is an exploit which gives a enormous advantage. I just discovered this today and I am making a video to showcase this to the right people to get it fixed but I don't know who that would be. I know about r6fix but that would just make this exploit public and I don't think that's a good idea. This exploit is not unlike the clash/invisible IQ exploits but applies to a flurry of operators and would break many metas.

Please let me know who this is safe to share with, if anyone knows. I'm looking specifically for someone who works for ubisoft who can quickly get the right people on it.

Thank you all.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by oZ.Kenoobi
Hello all,

I have discovered a game breaking glitch. This is an exploit which gives a enormous advantage. I just discovered this today and I am making a video to showcase this to the right people to get it fixed but I don't know who that would be. I know about r6fix but that would just make this exploit public and I don't think that's a good idea. This exploit is not unlike the clash/invisible IQ exploits but applies to a flurry of operators and would break many metas.

Please let me know who this is safe to share with, if anyone knows. I'm looking specifically for someone who works for ubisoft who can quickly get the right people on it.

Thank you all.
Originally Posted by oZ.Kenoobi
Ok, so nevermind, it's been reported to r6fix 2 days ago by other users. Seriously needs to be looked at. This exploit means you don't need to bandit trick. You can c4 thermite or impact trick safely, THROUGH the reinforced wall. This works on CCTV wall in clubhouse, garage walls on chalet/consulate. This means invisible valk cams you can't shoot (you can only EMP) or explode. This means ying candellas flashing opponents through reinforced walls. This exploit works on walls FROM outside too. This works with grenades for attackers. No need for a maverick or a thatcher when you can throw a frag grenade straight at bandit through the wall.

This bug needs to be prioritized ASAP.
This is the link to the bug:
Hey oZ.Kenoobi,

Thanks for helping to further bring this to our attention.

As you know our team are aware of this and are currently investigating. Once we know more we will provide updates.

Thank you for your help!
almost 2 years ago - RapidBrush - Direct link

Thank you for the report!