In the Last 7 days I have had 2 24 hour abandon sanctions through no fault of my own. The first I was disconnected from a game because of the ubisoft servers and then could not recconect after trying for 20 minutes straight, but I thought I would give it the benefit of the doubt. Then last night after the sanction was lifted I played 3 games succesfully went into the queue for a game but changed my mind and cancelled the queue and closed the game, Then I proceed to launch the game today only to find out I have once again recieved another 24 abandon sanction. This baffles me how can I receive an abandon sanction when I wasnt even in a game in the first place its a joke. I want answers, I have lost 2 days of renown boost due to the sanctions and I have seen other posts where the sanction cant be lifted which is also ridiculous.