Original Post — Direct link


I want to inform about the latency issue on MENA. Unfortunately something changed in the past few days making my ping to UAE North 90-100ms when before it was a constant 10-20ms. When luck strikes and it connects to the "me-south-1" data center, my ping is 10-20ms like it was before in UAE North. The strange part is that when connecting to "eu central", my ping is almost the same as UAE North which makes me think that the UAE North server was relocated. Have done all the troubleshooting given by the support team with no positive results. Any insight will be appreciated.

Thank you and regards

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @m4bsh3ll thank you for the follow-up, can we ask who your ISP is, so we can make a note of this for any future issues on the UAE servers? Thank you.