I am very distraught right now not only did I have to “log into” my Ubisoft account 13 times continually enter two step verification codes one after another never getting one incorrect just to get to the point of being able to enter my concerns with R6 your website has just added double the frustration I already had but continuing to my problem with your game I and/or my teammates keep getting removed from the match either at match point or ban phase causing the persons to get a abandon sanction so that’s horrible for your player base but not only that which keeps your players from physically playing they lose their elo so that makes them feel like not returning and to top the cake for me and my stack there is no abandon station banner/timer than appears to at least inform us of the time period we must wait if we do feel like returning this NEEDS a fix to sub stain your game without fixing this no one can play LITERLLY!
I care not for punctuation or any such nonsense cause of the steam which is blowing from my ears causes me to care not.
—A player who wishes he could enjoy a game he once loved but no longer lust for