Original Post — Direct link
Log in today and saw that my Rank was Reset to 0 and i got to do all 10 Placements again, MMR set to 0 its F*****g BS i hope there more Pepole standing now up to Ubisoft against this
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Just to help clarify, with the Y4S3.3 update the team adjusted the MMR Rollback system to reset someone's MMR if the system found the rollback was too large at one time. In theory, you should be able to do your placements and get back to where you belong quickly, assuming you play consistently like you normally do.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Originally Posted by UC_Corehunter
well that wont happen now as off a hand surgury i cant play like before thanks for that now i am the one in my squad with the lowst K/D and Charm then and i possable get now even lower ranked in as before really 100 times thanks for that MMR system overhaul only brought the bad thing onto the light
If you are talking about the season charm, you get the charm for the highest rank you achieved the season, not the one you finished off on.

EDIT: Sorry for the confusion:
Players who have their MMR reset will also not receive the seasonal ranked charm for their highest rank prior to the reset.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Let's try to keep being civil and not start a flame war now. OP is allowed to be upset about what happened.
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