over 3 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by jhallak: title

Full transparency, my aim in Siege used to be hot garbage. I couldn't win a gunfight in Ranked to save my life, and it was super embarrassing because I'd stack with my buddies who all had solid aim and I felt like I was getting carried, and I hated that.

This is going to sound cliche, but T-Hunt is king in helping your aim. For hours each day, I'd do multiple runs only leaning left, only leaning right, and not leaning at all. Train all of those. It helps your brain to understand how the recoil feels on each side, so when you're in gunfights your aim isn't thrown off by leaning a specific way. AimLab is cool, but I find practicing on T-Hunt bots to help more.

Additionally, Valorant has a deathmatch that specifically works on your gunplay and fragging potential. I'll run some of those to work on flicks.