Original Post — Direct link
I havent played for about half years. I started returning to the game few weeks ago. When i firsted started the game it gave me an option to "convert voice chat to text" which is an assessibility option. But from then, I couldnt use the voice chat option in game anymore. I cant hear anyone speaks or speak to my teamate. The voice chat indicator when my team speaks isnt even appearing. I tried looking back at the asseessibilty option and i couldnt find the "convert voice chat to text option". The game even asked me to turn off that feature in order to use voice chat normally. But the option to turn it off just never exists. What can i do? Thanks a lot.

Please look at the right. It asked me to turn that feature off.

but that option doesnt exist in the assessibility tab. ( i turned off the chat assistance feature already but the voice chat still isnt working.)
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link

Text to Speech & Speech to Text was implemented in Operation Neon Dawn, however we'd have to temporarily restrict it to some players for the time being.

We tweeted about this here: https://twitter.com/Rainbow6Game/sta...35033597145090

We hope to have it re-enabled for all players again very soon

Enjoy your day!
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello Im_not_IUfanboy, thanks for your post.

As far as I have checked on my own copy, if you have the Audio set to English for Spoken Language and Subtitles and Interface options, you should have the option in Accessibility for Chat Assistance and Hints which you can turn off, but no other options.

I can see this is the same options that you available and what you have setup currently.

What device are you using in game as a microphone at the moment and what happens when you speak, do you see an icon appear in game or for any other players on the leaderboard?

Could you please follow the following steps in this article to make sure your device is detectable by your PC and also Siege - https://support.ubisoft.com/en-GB/Article/000060669

Please let me know how you get on after checking these steps.
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by Im_not_IUfanboy
fixed by playing on mobile data instead of wifi

Hey there,

Thank you for getting back to us!

I'm glad to see you've found a workaround

If changing the network has resolved the issue, your standard home network may be blocking some access

Please take a look at this guide where there are steps for Port Forwarding

Give this a try and let us know if you're able to use Voice Chat on wifi again as normal

Thank you!
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by IJN-Yuudachi
Its should be a simple thing but I guess the devs broke the microphone with the last update. Just add one simple module so you can select what microphone you use and its done. None of those supposed "fixes" ubisoft says to do work.
Hey IJN-Yuudachi,

I've merged your thread here as it appears to be a similar issue, can you please take a look and see if the above apply to you?

Have you changed any text to speech settings?