Ubisoft why isn't the balancing team focused on making the operators that are less viable better? Every time you nerf one of the over picked or Too strong Operators they just go to the next operator and you just end up nerfing the next Operator for example when you nerfed ash, people went to Zofia, then from Zofia, everybody just went to Iana. These nerfs are like an endless cycle. These changes are Unfun, I've seen way too many content creators just Unhappy and they are moving toward other games.
Another Frustrating change recently is all those recoils nerfs, Why isn't the nerf done to the gadgets, players are much happier and less negative when you nerf a Gadget that is too strong. When the balancing team added the 1.5 to the Roni, the weapon surged in popularity and that is when people started complaining, same can be said with the MX storm the weapon was completely fine until you guys added the 1.5, the weapon changes just leave a bad taste in everybody mouth. Also what is the reason for the Magazine reduction with the Roni, didn't the weapon already have a low magazine size ???