Original Post — Direct link

My friend was banned for cheating and i lost 507 mmr. They have never cheated and currently do not cheat, a ticket they submitted told them it was because of too many reports. how the actual [censored] does that make sense, the player base for this game is so toxic and salty they'd report for anything after losing a game. Don't get me wrong he's pretty good and has a weird play style but he doesn't cheat. how is it fair he is permmanently banned for just getting falsely reported without ANY evidence of him actually cheating.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @sethbuuug, I am sorry to hear your friend received a ban.
Permanent bans can only be appealed once for your account. After we have checked your account, if the decision is made to keep the ban in place, we are unable to help you further.
The actions that can lead to temporary and permanent bans can include but are not limited to >>
- Toxic behaviour in-game
- Inappropriate voice or text chat
- Cheating/botting/using hack programs
- Illegal behaviour/activity
- Account buying/selling
We are also unable to discuss player bans in the forum in further detail or indeed with anyone other than the player themselves privately, so this thread will be closed.

Please read our updated Code of Conduct here for more information >

Thank you for your understanding.