It's pretty frustrating to go between two support centers (Steam & Ubisoft) only for them to play a game of he-said she-said. I brought the pro league bundle off of Uplay since it wasn't working on steams end and never got the bundle even though I was charged not once, but twice. I go through Uplay and they tell me to hit up Steam which I promptly do and they then tell me to go back to Ubisoft since it went through on their end, I talk once again to the support center only for them to deny,deny, deny until I finally submit a bank statement and they simply tell me I have to wait, fine so be it. But they couldn't offer me the refund or at least give me an acknowledgement? Instead I'm stuck waiting for my bank to dispute the charge and even worse stuck waiting another two weeks before I can get the pro league bundle.
What the hell Ubisoft, you guys made 440,000,000$ last year, no reason you guys should only be pulling these kinds of stunts.
What the hell Ubisoft, you guys made 440,000,000$ last year, no reason you guys should only be pulling these kinds of stunts.