The weekly BP Challenges seem to track inconsistently or they don't track at all. Last week, one of my challenges was 40 eliminations and it got stuck at 38/40, even after having a 5 kill quick match game. After an hour or so, the challenge ended up tracking those kills and completed the challenge. This week, I am having the same problem (5 explosive eliminations challenge), however, it has been 2 days since I 'completed the challenge' and the challenge is still at 1 of 5 kills.
For those that are wondering, I play Cav, down someone and throw an impact to kill them which has completed many explosive kill challenges in the past, both BP challenges and Ubisoft Connect challenges. I contacted support but they haven't responded as of yet so I thought I'd post here in the hopes of receiving a response quicker.
Thanks in advance.
P.S. Is there any information on the "Free E-Sports pack" that we are meant to receive this season. It's not a big deal or anything but I would still like to know if it's still a thing or not.