Original Post — Direct link


I'm unable to start a Quickmatch because of an abandonment penalty, which shoud only be the cause in Ranked/Unranked matches.
Please see video evidence:


about 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @Bakemono-ZKC thank you for the helpful video and sorry to see you were given an abandonment sanction.

We have an issue ongoing at the moment specific to a 2-0x00000D00C error code which is seen, then a ban given without any timer as shown in your screenshots. This is something our Siege team is investigating now, apologies that it affected your game.

Please see our main thread about this issue, for more information and what details we need from players to investigate >> https://discussions.ubisoft.com/topic/161708
I will lock this thread to encourage reports in the main thread above, thank you.