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It was known that skins were usually reset (by a bug) once every start of a new season.

This time it happened for me 5 days ago, ALL skins, for all operators - Cards, poses, body skins and headgear skins. Everything. For absolutely no reason was reset.

A bit annoyed, but knowing this is happening once every season, i do spend 45min - 1 entire hour remaking all the skins for all 64 operators one by one.

I then kept playing as normal, everything was fine.

UNTIL, today, once again, as i log in and play a match, i do see that i have the basic pose and skin for my operator again ! Panicked, i go check in the menu and ALL the skins were reset once more. Barely 3 days after the first reset.

I posted a note on R6 fix but nobody is upvoting, even if i hear lot of people are having the issues.

Is there any solution ? Or i have to spend 1h eveytime to re-equip everything .. ?

I'm sorry if i do sound a bit aggressive, but this is just truly annoying and not supposed to happen .. 😞

Thank you in advance

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @bigdrag0n-0 thank you for getting in touch with us.

This issue with customization has been known to occur when a local hard drive save, conflicts with a cloud save and becomes corrupted.

Do you happen to have cloud saves enabled on your launcher, and if so, have you tried disabling them in the launcher settings, and only using local hard drive saves, as a workaround?

Can you also let me know, what was the last game mode you played, before switching the game off, when the game reset both times?

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hey @BigDrag0n-0 thanks for getting in touch with us again.

What regional version of the website are you trying to access? Do you have the URL link you can post in the forum, so I can see if I have the same problem accessing our Help website? (My default en-gb website seems to be working okay at the moment >> https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/help/contact)

If you ever have trouble accessing our Help website and 'contact us' details, you can also message us for help with an issue, via our Twitter and Facebook direct message here >>
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