Original Post — Direct link

When i am in Round and playing i get an annoying beep sound.
When i am in the menu / operator selector then not.

i got this bug with the new update.

over 2 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

Hi there, and welcome to the forums, @Nlmyr. Could you share a short video clip of this behavior when playing Siege? Could you also let us know if it starts during the first round or later in rounds? Finally, if it's later in the match, could you describe the exact actions before the sound starts?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Orion - Direct link


Hey there.

Sorry to hear you're affected by this as well.

As advised by Ubi-Smash if you're able to capture this on video we'd appreciate it if you could submit a link to us so we can pass this on for further investigation.
