Original Post — Direct link

@ubi-nacho There's also Glaz's special scope, which doesn't allow you to customize your Elite skin or even have the option (at least Caveira does).

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Thanks for reporting this @pi_ka_chu.

What platform do you play on, so we can gather what platforms it currently affects, if not all?

Can you also try to capture a video of this happening so we can pass this to our Siege team to investigate?

PC > Please use the Windows, Alt and R keys, to start recording a video clip with the Xbox Game bar (Which usually comes already installed on Windows 10&11) When you have recorded the clip in your Capture folder, post this clip to a hosting website such as YouTube or Imgur. You should be able to post the URL link to the video in this thread.

Xbox and Playstation > Please press your controller's Share button, this will allow you to capture a video clip, then your console will ask you to upload it straight to YouTube or Twitter. After uploading to one of these websites, you should be able to post the URL link to the video in this thread.