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Mute has a BB Gun, I wasted a whole mag on the weakest armor character and didn't die. 5 Headshots, yes I counted. Please ubi fix this piece of crap gun.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by AceBooch5954520
Mute has a BB Gun, I wasted a whole mag on the weakest armor character and didn't die. 5 Headshots, yes I counted. Please ubi fix this piece of crap gun.
Hi there, welcome to the fourms.

Were you able to capture this in-game at all? The footage would be useful.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by Gravemind01
has zero recoil and a high rate of fire, it takes a bit of practice but you'll get it. Slap a HOLO sight or reflex on it and its godly.
Question: since it seems you like the MP5 a lot, what do you run on Wamai if you have him?
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by Gravemind01
Both of his primaries actually. AUG is higher powered but has a lower rate of fire, its recoil is a bit higher, but still easy to control, while the MP5K has nearly NO recoil, high rof and a quick *** reload, not to mention it doesn't take up over half the bloody screen.
Understandable! I've been using the AUG a lot with him. I got Black Ice for it, so I feel morally obligated to wear it around. Still holding out hope that I can get it on the MP5 so I don't feel bad switching between the two weapons.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
I also play quite a bit of Mute and also run the MP5K. I think it could use a tiny buff but otherwise, it is fairly solid. I personally am not a fan of shotguns so I typically do not use them, but I did see some players the other day absolutely pop-off with his shotgun.
The idea to have Mute's jammers be deployable on walls would be really cool! Mute could use a little bit of love :P