During a ranked match, and ONLY during a ranked match. I get stuck either in-game or during the ban phase after which battle eye proceeds to "remove" me. After this the following aggravating situation ensues. Game tells me to reconnect, I reconnect, failure to connect to server, Game tells me to reconnect and so it goes on. It is not just me, it has happened to people in my squad resulting in more game losses, other random people and well me specifically. I'm now serving a unwarranted 48 hour ban and abandon sanction which is complete nonsense since it is out of my control and believe me, I have tried every little "troubleshooting" tips given. Not only that but my "hardware" is more then up to speed in handling this game, nothing is wrong with my internet and the rest. LASTLY, for the LOVE OF GOD PLEASE integrate a feature in which invites do NOT go through Ubisoft connect. It is literally the most broken overlay in existence. It took me at least an hour yesterday to invite my friends on this broken piece of software. I do not want a software on my PC which serves no purpose but to waste me and my friends time. It shows me offline, my friends offline, refuses to connect to "Ubisoft servers" half the time and even if it does, the invite option bugs out and does not send invites to my friends most of the time. All and All, it is actually garbage and changing the name from Uplay to ubisoft connect does not make it better. Lastly I would like to address a BUG that has plagued me and my friends for almost 4 MONTHS NOW. I cannot hear my teammates in quickmatch, ranked or unranked. The option that im speaking shows but its bugged and no one can hear me, i cannot hear anyone and its a dumb bug that practically goes against the core mechanics of the game which is TEAMWORK. I have tried every possible solution provided in the wiki and even youtube videos but none of them works and IM actually nearing my final ounce of patience. Please help me.
Server: Middle East
Server: Middle East