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in the last 2 weeks, for some reason, it takes a very long time to connect to the R6 servers. Sometimes it takes up to 7 or even longer minutes !! If friends are invited to the team, then they can join them for a very long time. Did a file check.. I even reinstalled the game, didn't help. My Internet connection is very fast and I have a lot of RAM. In other games, such as Division or Division2, there are no problems connecting to game servers. Only in R6 such a problem

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Chizhik55 and welcome to the forums!

I am sorry to hear you're having an annoying wait before you can get connected.

Just to clarify a bit, is this happening when you first start the game up, or when you try to queue for a match?

Also, can you let me know which data center you're usually connecting to? If you connect to multiple different ones, give me a list of each one please.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @Chizhik55

We can only really suggest to try doing the port forwarding found here to see if that helps. If not, hopefully it will just improve after the next time there's a server downtime for maintenance.