Original Post — Direct link

Hello , I’m playing on ps5 (UAE server)
just got banned once again (it’s keep happening since demon veil came out) and I got this error code and there is NO WAY to reconnect to your match and there is absolutely penalty :))) I know you want to reply it and say we are sorry to hear that , did you try PlayStation troubleshooting steps ? Yes I tried all of them more than 10 times , my internet connection is fine , the problem is this UAE server and it’s about 2 seasons that you are investigating this issue ? when you want to fix it like really ? This is annoying please understand us a little bit !

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @mamad_injast thank you for getting in touch with us and sorry to hear you've had trouble connecting to matches since Operation demon veil on the UAE servers.

Other than recommending connectivity troubleshooting for your PS5 and port forwarding on your router, there are no other steps we can give you to help resolve this issue and you may need to speak to your ISP for further help.

If you see this error code often, we'd like to take some further details from you to document these issues with this server. Could you please tell us the following >>
To help with our Siege team's investigation into these 4-0 error codes, can you please let us know the following? >>

  • Time and date of the incident?
  • Internet Service Provider?
  • Do you use a VPN whilst playing?