Original Post — Direct link
So my friends told me that its possible to slow walk and they told me that by clicking alt you slow walk so i tried it but instead of slow walking i just stopped moving and ive even tried changing the keybind just incase that key just doesnt work but it does the same thing when im walking and click alt i cant move forward backward sideways i can only use my mouse when slow walking
about 7 years ago - Ubi-Rufus - Direct link
If you go to 'Controls > Customise Controls > Walk' you should see which key is set to enable walking. By default this should Alt.

In Controls you can also change if you would like this is be set to 'hold' or not.
over 6 years ago - Ubi-Baron - Direct link
We're glad to hear that you found that useful, thanks to Finois.KG for providing that information.

Make sure to thumbs up their post!
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by MPWhitlowTV
Hey so I tried everything suggested from lowering the controller settings down to changing the layout and using default settings. NOTHING is working. I use KB/M and even when everything for controller is set to 1 or 5 it still freezes my character in place
Hey! Do you happen to know if this has always been the case, or if this issue has only just become apparent?

- Try verifying game files: https://support.ubi.com/en-GB/faqs/000025650/
- Try a different key binding
- Check if you have any third party software that affects your key's behaviour
- Try a different keyboard

I hope that helps!