Original Post — Direct link

📢Our Top Issues & Community Concerns page has been updated with resolved issues and new info on in-progress topics!📢

✅Flash Detection 
✅DNBO Kills
✅Screen Shakes
✅Hard to see skins
✅MMR Rollback
🛠Streamer Mode
🛠Scoreboard Update

Have a look here!

over 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/359550/announcements/detail/2888454251866695477]here[/url].
over 4 years ago - Ubi_MyAnh - Direct link

We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community.

Updated: October 02nd 2020

We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.

Top Issues
Map Ban System
Random selection
Description: We are currently investigating an issue with the random selection of the two remaining maps during the map ban flow.

We have verified that the map on the left of the interface is always selected. We have already started working on a fix.

Status: During Y5S3

Map pool representation
Description: The representation of maps during the map ban flow favors the presence of certain maps (~10%): Oregon, Coastline, Kanal, Villa, Kafe, and Consulate at the expense of the following ones (~6%): Chalet, Theme Park, Bank, Club House, Border, Outback. We aim to deliver a fix to even the odds and have a more balanced map representation.

Status: Target Y5S3.2

Inverted Audio
Description: Following the Y5S3.1 update on PC, our teams can no longer reproduce the inverted audio issues. Our latest patch notes mentions a fix for sound effects going missing after using a drone. We believe that the inverted audio was linked to this issue and that both are now fixed.

Status: Fixed (Y5S3.1)

Player Behavior
Mouse & Keyboard on Consoles
Description: We continue our investigation on the topic, we are currently gathering information as well as technical data to gauge how widespread these adapters are and if we can detect them in a reliable manner.

Status: Ongoing

### DDoS on consoles

Description: We are working on mitigation plans with our partners and we are continuously monitoring the situation. We have also recently started to issue sanctions to users responsible for such attacks.

Status: Ongoing

Cheating & Hacking
Description: As we stated in our [Anti-Cheat DevBlog](https://rainbow6.com/anticheatblog), this will be a continuous initiative.
We are always striving to improve on our detections and are hard at work on developing more reactive sanctions to keep R6 as fair as possible.

We started using a new identification method and proceeded to issue ban waves based on those results.

In the last month we sanctioned around 4000 players ranging from blatant cheaters to closet cheaters.

Status: Ongoing

BattlEye Ticker
Description: The system displaying sanctions being applied to cheaters and toxic users is currently disabled. We are working on a fix and we hope to reactivate it soon.

Status: Y5S3.2 (PC) / Y5S3.3 (Consoles)__

Top Gameplay Topics
Yellow Ping
Description: We have received extensive feedback about the Yellow Ping feature and we know that it is perceived as strong in certain levels of play when coupled with observation tools. We would like to explore alternatives to make the feature more acceptable for everyone. We are ready to add the Yellow Ping to the in-game replays, in order for everyone to understand that your position was known to the enemy team via this system. We are also exploring additional solutions to try to make the feature feel less one-sided.

Status: Y5S3.2 on PC / Y5S3.3 on console__

Blurry Holographic Sight
Description: With Y5S3 we moved away from sights being represented as part of the weapon model. It is now part of the HUD in order to allow for more customization as we described it in the [Weapon Optics blog](https://rainbow6.com/optics).

This led to having a significantly blurrier Holo sight in certain combinations of aspect ratios, resolution, and anti-aliasing. We are working on the rendering of the sight and hope to offer something closer to what was prior to Shadow Legacy.

Status: Y5S3.2

Description: We would like to move away from the timer to replace it with a gauge system, which is more accurate visually speaking.

We are also looking at potentially tweaking the duration of time of an undetected run-out, but we are still debating the option.

Status: Target Y5S4

Improved Flash detection/consistency
Description: The rework intends to make flash detection more reliable. Enemies are often not affected by flashes due to objects and obstacles. We want to simulate the light ricocheting with the environment, to improve the effectiveness of flashbangs & other similar gadgets. We have recently made some progress on that front. However, it may require additional work.

Status: Target Y5S4.3 or later

Defuser planting detection improvements
Description: Interactions with the defuser could often lead to some issues. In Y5S4 we’ll address the following ones:

- Defuser plant prompt is sometimes missing when the player is on site
- Defusers can be planted outside of the site when the players sits on the edge of the area.
- Players could drop the defuser when attempting to plant.
When trying to plant with 0:00 secs left, you may continue to drop the defuser, but this is not considered a bug as the Attackers have simply ran out of time.

Status: Target Y5S4

Defuser retrieval improvements
Description: It is possible to drop the defuser in locations where it cannot be picked up again by running over it. Often outside of the map, in cracks, gaps between objects, holes, etc.

To fix this, we created a 'Pickup Defuser' interaction that works at a distance. It will aim for defuser retrieval to act like picking up any other gadget.

Status: Target Y5S3.3
over 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/359550/announcements/detail/2914355022565325391]here[/url].
over 4 years ago - Ubi_Dabbid - Direct link

Updated: November 30th 2020

Player Behavior
Mouse & Keyboard on Consoles
Description: We are making progress on the matter, but it's a very challenging task and we are unable to predict the outcome of our investigations at this time.

Status: Ongoing

DDoS on consoles
Description: In close collaboration with our partners, new ways of mitigating DDoS attacks have been deployed. According to our metrics, we believe that we made significant progress on the topic and that we are seeing a notable reduction of the phenomenon.

We are also aware that the situation is not solved for everyone and that it remains an issue for some of our players. We will keep on working on the topic and provide regular updates.

Status: Ongoing

Streamer Mode
Description: The purpose of Streamer Mode is to protect our content creators with settings that allow them to increase their anonymity while streaming. The settings intend to discourage and prevent disruptive players from using streamers' public information in a toxic way.

The settings work to prevent two major disruptive behaviors:

- Queue Sniping: When players taunt or kill a streamer after deliberately queuing at the same time as them.
- Stream Sniping: When players intentionally display toxicity during another player's stream.

Status: First half of Y6

Cheating & Hacking
Description: Along with our partners, we continue making progress in terms of detection, communication and vulnerability improvements. Additional measures and fixes are scheduled to be released with Operation Neon Dawn.

We invite all our players to use the in-game reporting panel to flag any cheater you may encounter.

Status: Ongoing

Servers and Connectivity
Description: We have noticed an increase of connectivity issues during Operation Shadow Legacy, the entire Siege team has dedicated considerable resources and time to identify potential leads.

Once again, in close collaboration with our partners on that topic, we have made substantial progress. Additionally, we continue to have a closer look at the current connectivity issues and are exploring potential improvements.

A more in-depth communication should be released at some point in the future, we would like to offer the community a better understanding of our infrastructure and challenges.

Status: Ongoing

Top Gameplay Topics
Runouts & Defuser Planting Detection
Status: Improvements released with Neon Dawn, {LINK REMOVED}refer to our patch notes for additional information.

Defuser Retrieval Improvements
Description: It is possible to drop the defuser in locations where it cannot be picked up again by running over it. Often outside of the map, in cracks, gaps between objects, holes, etc.

To fix this, we created a 'Pickup Defuser' interaction that works at a distance. It will aim for defuser retrieval to act like picking up any other gadget.

We deployed this new system during Y5S.3.3 but we encountered some complications. We hope to release a newer version very soon.

Status: During Y5S4

Bullet Holes peeking
Description: Single bullet holes are often used to gain an advantage during gunfights. We recognize that this situation can be quite frustrating for some players who couldn't spot the bullet hole from the distance.
We are currently exploring different options to make smaller bullet holes more easily noticeable or unusable for such situations. We have made substantial progress and are quite confident about this solution. There is still some work to be done and we are not quite ready to share more for now.

Status: Y6S2

Enemies are too hard to see with certain skins equipped
Description: Certain Operator skins are notorious for blending quite effectively within the environment. This led to situation where players considered to be victim of an unfair advantage. We are investigating how to make Operators stand out a bit more from the environment.

Our goal is to let everyone pick & choose their skins without providing any sort of advantage. We will proceed with caution on that topic, as we don't want this solution to clash with the general art direction of the game.

Status: During Y6

Audio tinnitus
Description: Following numerous community feedback, we have decided to reconsider the audio tinnitus triggered upon taking damage. We acknowledged that the reduced sound feedback was having a very strong impact on gunfights and could lead to some frustration.

By substantially reducing the tinnitus, we hope to offer fairer gunfights and a better chance to win duels.

Status: Y5S4

Improved Flash detection/consistency
Description: The rework intends to make flash detection more reliable. Enemies are often not affected by flashes due to objects and obstacles. We want to simulate the light ricocheting with the environment, to improve the effectiveness of flashbangs & other similar gadgets.

Due to shifting priorities, we hope to address this topic a bit later during Year 6.

Status: Y6S2
over 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/359550/announcements/detail/4625740823846533244]here[/url].
over 3 years ago - Ubi_MyAnh - Direct link

Updated: June 16th 2021
We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.

Smoke Canister Gas Propagation
The propagation of the gas from Smoke’s Remote Gas Grenades was often problematic, appearing on the other side of undamaged walls, floors, or ceilings. We’ve reworked the propagation system for the gas itself, meaning the toxic gas will no longer travel through unbroken, or unopen boundaries, though it will spread through walls, floors, or ceilings where gaps have been created. We also changed the sound that the Remote Gas Grenades make upon detonation, making it much more distinct.

Status: COMPLETE. Available at Y6S2 launch!

Bullet Hole Peeking
Single bullet holes are often used to gain an advantage, and we recognize that the difficulty in spotting such holes from a distance can cause frustration for some players. With the changes we’re implementing to tackle this, single bullets will no longer create an isolated hole through a wall or barricade (this does not affect weapons with more destructibility), though firing multiple bullets or meleeing a wall will cause a larger hole to appear, as is the case at the moment. This should help reduce the frustration caused by singular bullet holes while still allowing players to make use of destructible surfaces.

Please note, bullet holes in thin materials like window glass and the inner cores of props are not affected by this change.

Status: COMPLETE. Available at Y6S2 launch!

Improved Flash Detection + Consistency
The goal here is to make flash detection more reliable and to give players confidence in this type of utility by improving its consistency. Basically, when you throw a flash, we want you to know how this will affect your opponents and the environment. The solution that we’re working on simulates the light bouncing off objects in the immediate environment, and the results we're seeing are encouraging. We’re currently evaluating the strength of flashes and are excited for players to get a chance to test this change soon!

Status: Y6S3

Enemies Are Too Hard To See With Certain Skins Equipped
We know that certain operator skins are well-known for blending into some environments, and this has led to situations where players felt they were at an unfair disadvantage. Our solution is to add a rim lighting effect to operators. So far, we're quite happy with the results and feel it is cohesive with the art style of the game. We are in the process of aligning on the colour of the rim lighting, and ensuring the effect is consistent across the game's many unique cosmetics.

At the end of the day, we want players to be able to choose the cosmetics they want without gaining an unfair advantage of any kind.

Status: Y6S3

As the topics above near completion, we’re beginning to set our sights on some additional changes that we believe will have a positive impact on player experience. We wanted to give you an early look at what we're beginning work on and will share more details and timing for these in subsequent Top Issues updates.

Loadout Reset
We’re aware that loadout and customization reset issues are prevalent for some players. While we have noticed the issue occurring during in-game events, we know that the issue is not exclusive to those. We’re investigating the issue and working towards a reliable reproduction and solution for this.

Flinch Animations in PvP
The flinch hit reaction has been a prominent topic across the player base, and this an area that we feel can be improved. We're investigating this topic and and will share updates in future editions of this blog.

DBNO Kills
Getting an enemy to a DBNO state and not receiving a point for the kill has been a source of frustration for players. We’re looking at this, as we feel that the player who downed the enemy should be awarded with the kill point if the enemy is taken out. Not only would this be more rewarding for the initial player, but this could remove a cause of toxicity from the game.

Friendly Fire – Team Gadget Launcher Damage
We are currently looking into the impact of hitting an ally with a gadget (e.g. Lesion's Gu Mines) or a launcher's direct hit (e.g. Mozzie's Pest), so that it no longer deals direct damage or results in a points loss. We are considering this change because such interaction does not bring any additional value to the gameplay experience, while also adding a form of unnecessary toxicity.

Following this, our intended plan is to remove the various damages caused when these situations occur. However, damage related to the end result of a gadget's deployment (e.g. actual explosion of a frag grenade) or launcher's actions (e.g. explosion of Ash's Breaching Round) will still inflict damage to allies and will still be considered within the Reverse Friendly Fire system.

Servers & Connectivity
During Neon Dawn and Crimson Heist we have seen connection based issues having a negative impact on players, and this is an area that we continue to work on at a global level, as we aim to resolve issues at their root.

In order to improve player experience, we’ve implemented a number of changes and shared our results in connectivity updates here and here. These changes have included migrating PC and PlayStation users to better servers, relocating the data centers for Japan and Australia, and launching a Middle East data center. Looking to the future, we have set a number of next steps, including global server migration on Xbox, working with partners to improve performance of the Middle East data center, and migrating servers in the South Africa data center.

Cheating, Hacking & Toxicity
Automating Data Bans
In our last Anti-Cheat DevBlog[rainbow6.com], we mentioned that we were working on building new cheat detections based on statistics to uncover our most disruptive cheat users. While this process was originally performed manually to stress test and validate its accuracy, we're excited to announce that we've updated it to be automatic. This mean that sanctions for cheaters identified through data-based detections will be delivered faster, reducing their impact on the community!

Implementing this automated process allows us to work in parallel and strengthen our collaboration with BattlEye. In the coming months, we will continue to develop new models and detection opportunities to increase our velocity on this front.

MMR Rollback
We are continuing to evolve the MMR rollback system by improving reactivity and minimizing negative impacts on honest players. The goal of MMR rollback is to help players who were in an unfair match. That being said, we know that it is frustrating for honest players to have their MMR rolled backed for matches where they won against a cheater, and we are working to address that.

We will continue to tweak the design as we work towards a clear and fair system. We are not able to share an exact timeline right now but are aiming for Season 3; stay tuned for more updates!

Preventative Sanctions
This past year we have been working on the implementation of preventative sanctions, one of the first visible aspects of the reputation system. In the future, by detecting patterns of griefing and harassment, we will be able to preventatively activate sanctions, allowing us to quickly deal with repeatedly disruptive players and reduce the frustration associated with them.

One of our first integrations for preventative sanctions will be oriented around Reverse Friendly Fire, and we will then expand the scope to other issues. We believe that this new way of controlling regular abuses will greatly contribute to the detection and prevention of disruptive behaviour. As with other topics above, stay tuned for more updates!

Abandon Match Penalties
We have increased sanction penalties for abandon-related offences, which players will notice with the launch of North Star. Paired with the recent improvements to match cancellation, we expect this to help discourage players from match abandons and limit the overall impact on committed players.

DDoS On Consoles
Over the last two seasons, we’ve made valuable progress in our fight against DDOS attacks on console, mitigating the effects of attacks. In addition to this, players who use this method of cheating are being banned, and our detection of such actions are constantly being improved. We will continue to look for methods of continued improvement as we seek to protect players from DDoS attacks.

Status: Ongoing

Mouse & Keyboard On Consoles
This subject is still a project priority, and the team continues to make progress. We appreciate your patience and look forward to sharing more in the future as we continue to refine our approach.

Status: Ongoing


Updated: November 30th 2020
We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.

Mouse & Keyboard on Consoles
Description: We are making progress on the matter, but it's a very challenging task and we are unable to predict the outcome of our investigations at this time.

Status: Ongoing

DDoS on consoles
Description: In close collaboration with our partners, new ways of mitigating DDoS attacks have been deployed. According to our metrics, we believe that we made significant progress on the topic and that we are seeing a notable reduction of the phenomenon.

We are also aware that the situation is not solved for everyone and that it remains an issue for some of our players. We will keep on working on the topic and provide regular updates.

Status: Ongoing

Streamer Mode
Description: The purpose of Streamer Mode is to protect our content creators with settings that allow them to increase their anonymity while streaming. The settings intend to discourage and prevent disruptive players from using streamers' public information in a toxic way.

The settings work to prevent two major disruptive behaviors:

  • Queue Sniping: When players taunt or kill a streamer after deliberately queuing at the same time as them.
  • Stream Sniping: When players intentionally use another players live-stream for information, or to act in a toxic manner because they are aware of the live-stream.

Status: First half of Y6

Cheating & Hacking
Description: Along with our partners, we continue making progress in terms of detection, communication and vulnerability improvements. Additional measures and fixes are scheduled to be released with Operation Neon Dawn.

We invite all our players to use the in-game reporting panel to flag any cheater you may encounter.

Status: Ongoing

Servers and Connectivity
Description: We have noticed an increase of connectivity issues during Operation Shadow Legacy; the entire Siege team has dedicated considerable resources and time to identify potential leads.

Once again, in close collaboration with our partners on that topic, we have made substantial progress. Additionally, we continue to have a closer look at the current connectivity issues and are exploring potential improvements.

A more in-depth communication should be released at some point in the future, we would like to offer the community a better understanding of our infrastructure and challenges.

Status: Ongoing

Runouts & Defuser Planting Detection
Status: Improvements released with Neon Dawn, refer to our patch notes for additional information.

Defuser Retrieval Improvements
Description: It is possible to drop the defuser in locations where it cannot be picked up again by running over it. Often outside of the map, in cracks, gaps between objects, holes, etc.

To fix this, we created a 'Pickup Defuser' interaction that works at a distance. It will aim for defuser retrieval to act like picking up any other gadget.

We deployed this new system during Y5S.3.3 but we encountered some complications. We hope to release a newer version very soon.

Status: During Y5S4

Bullet Holes peeking
Description: Single bullet holes are often used to gain an advantage during gunfights. We recognize that this situation can be quite frustrating for some players who couldn't spot the bullet hole from the distance. We are currently exploring different options to make smaller bullet holes more easily noticeable or unusable for such situations. We have made substantial progress and are quite confident about this solution. There is still some work to be done and we are not quite ready to share more for now.

Status: Y6S2

Enemies are too hard to see with certain skins equipped
Description: Certain Operator skins are notorious for blending quite effectively within the environment. This led to situation where players considered to be victim of an unfair advantage. We are investigating how to make Operators stand out a bit more from the environment.

Our goal is to let everyone pick and choose their skins without providing any sort of advantage. We will proceed with caution on that topic, as we don't want this solution to clash with the general art direction of the game.

Status: During Y6

Audio tinnitus
Description: Following numerous community feedback, we have decided to reconsider the audio tinnitus triggered upon taking damage. We acknowledged that the reduced sound feedback was having a very strong impact on gunfights and could lead to some frustration.

By substantially reducing the tinnitus, we hope to offer fairer gunfights and a better chance to win duels.

Status: Y5S4

Improved Flash detection/consistency
Description: The rework intends to make flash detection more reliable. Enemies are often not affected by flashes due to objects and obstacles. We want to simulate the light ricocheting with the environment, to improve the effectiveness of flashbangs & other similar gadgets.

Due to shifting priorities, we hope to address this topic a bit later during Year 6.

Status: Y6S2
over 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/359550/announcements/detail/4625740823857910328]here[/url].
over 3 years ago - Ubi_Frog - Direct link

Updated: June 16th 2021
We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.

Smoke Canister Gas Propagation
The propagation of the gas from Smoke’s Remote Gas Grenades was often problematic, appearing on the other side of undamaged walls, floors, or ceilings. We’ve reworked the propagation system for the gas itself, meaning the toxic gas will no longer travel through unbroken, or unopen boundaries, though it will spread through walls, floors, or ceilings where gaps have been created. We also changed the sound that the Remote Gas Grenades make upon detonation, making it much more distinct.

Status: COMPLETE. Available at Y6S2 launch!

Bullet Hole Peeking
Single bullet holes are often used to gain an advantage, and we recognize that the difficulty in spotting such holes from a distance can cause frustration for some players. With the changes we’re implementing to tackle this, single bullets will no longer create an isolated hole through a wall or barricade (this does not affect weapons with more destructibility), though firing multiple bullets or meleeing a wall will cause a larger hole to appear, as is the case at the moment. This should help reduce the frustration caused by singular bullet holes while still allowing players to make use of destructible surfaces.

Please note, bullet holes in thin materials like window glass and the inner cores of props are not affected by this change.

Status: COMPLETE. Available at Y6S2 launch!

Improved Flash Detection + Consistency
The goal here is to make flash detection more reliable and to give players confidence in this type of utility by improving its consistency. Basically, when you throw a flash, we want you to know how this will affect your opponents and the environment. The solution that we’re working on simulates the light bouncing off objects in the immediate environment, and the results we're seeing are encouraging. We’re currently evaluating the strength of flashes and are excited for players to get a chance to test this change soon!

Status: Y6S3

Enemies Are Too Hard To See With Certain Skins Equipped
We know that certain operator skins are well-known for blending into some environments, and this has led to situations where players felt they were at an unfair disadvantage. Our solution is to add a rim lighting effect to operators. So far, we're quite happy with the results and feel it is cohesive with the art style of the game. We are in the process of aligning on the colour of the rim lighting, and ensuring the effect is consistent across the game's many unique cosmetics.

At the end of the day, we want players to be able to choose the cosmetics they want without gaining an unfair advantage of any kind.

Status: Y6S3

As the topics above near completion, we’re beginning to set our sights on some additional changes that we believe will have a positive impact on player experience. We wanted to give you an early look at what we're beginning work on and will share more details and timing for these in subsequent Top Issues updates.

Loadout Reset
We’re aware that loadout and customization reset issues are prevalent for some players. While we have noticed the issue occurring during in-game events, we know that the issue is not exclusive to those. We’re investigating the issue and working towards a reliable reproduction and solution for this.

Flinch Animations in PvP
The flinch hit reaction has been a prominent topic across the player base, and this an area that we feel can be improved. We're investigating this topic and and will share updates in future editions of this blog.

DBNO Kills
Getting an enemy to a DBNO state and not receiving a point for the kill has been a source of frustration for players. We’re looking at this, as we feel that the player who downed the enemy should be awarded with the kill point if the enemy is taken out. Not only would this be more rewarding for the initial player, but this could remove a cause of toxicity from the game.

Friendly Fire – Team Gadget Launcher Damage
We are currently looking into the impact of hitting an ally with a gadget (e.g. Lesion's Gu Mines) or a launcher's direct hit (e.g. Mozzie's Pest), so that it no longer deals direct damage or results in a points loss. We are considering this change because such interaction does not bring any additional value to the gameplay experience, while also adding a form of unnecessary toxicity.

Following this, our intended plan is to remove the various damages caused when these situations occur. However, damage related to the end result of a gadget's deployment (e.g. actual explosion of a frag grenade) or launcher's actions (e.g. explosion of Ash's Breaching Round) will still inflict damage to allies and will still be considered within the Reverse Friendly Fire system.

Servers & Connectivity
During Neon Dawn and Crimson Heist we have seen connection based issues having a negative impact on players, and this is an area that we continue to work on at a global level, as we aim to resolve issues at their root.

In order to improve player experience, we’ve implemented a number of changes and shared our results in connectivity updates here and here. These changes have included migrating PC and PlayStation users to better servers, relocating the data centers for Japan and Australia, and launching a Middle East data center. Looking to the future, we have set a number of next steps, including global server migration on Xbox, working with partners to improve performance of the Middle East data center, and migrating servers in the South Africa data center.

Cheating, Hacking & Toxicity
Automating Data Bans
In our last Anti-Cheat DevBlog[rainbow6.com], we mentioned that we were working on building new cheat detections based on statistics to uncover our most disruptive cheat users. While this process was originally performed manually to stress test and validate its accuracy, we're excited to announce that we've updated it to be automatic. This mean that sanctions for cheaters identified through data-based detections will be delivered faster, reducing their impact on the community!

Implementing this automated process allows us to work in parallel and strengthen our collaboration with BattlEye. In the coming months, we will continue to develop new models and detection opportunities to increase our velocity on this front.

MMR Rollback
We are continuing to evolve the MMR rollback system by improving reactivity and minimizing negative impacts on honest players. The goal of MMR rollback is to help players who were in an unfair match. That being said, we know that it is frustrating for honest players to have their MMR rolled backed for matches where they won against a cheater, and we are working to address that.

We will continue to tweak the design as we work towards a clear and fair system. We are not able to share an exact timeline right now but are aiming for Season 3; stay tuned for more updates!

Preventative Sanctions
This past year we have been working on the implementation of preventative sanctions, one of the first visible aspects of the reputation system. In the future, by detecting patterns of griefing and harassment, we will be able to preventatively activate sanctions, allowing us to quickly deal with repeatedly disruptive players and reduce the frustration associated with them.

One of our first integrations for preventative sanctions will be oriented around Reverse Friendly Fire, and we will then expand the scope to other issues. We believe that this new way of controlling regular abuses will greatly contribute to the detection and prevention of disruptive behaviour. As with other topics above, stay tuned for more updates!

Abandon Match Penalties
We have increased sanction penalties for abandon-related offences, which players will notice with the launch of North Star. Paired with the recent improvements to match cancellation, we expect this to help discourage players from match abandons and limit the overall impact on committed players.

DDoS On Consoles
Over the last two seasons, we’ve made valuable progress in our fight against DDOS attacks on console, mitigating the effects of attacks. In addition to this, players who use this method of cheating are being banned, and our detection of such actions are constantly being improved. We will continue to look for methods of continued improvement as we seek to protect players from DDoS attacks.

Status: Ongoing

Mouse & Keyboard On Consoles
This subject is still a project priority, and the team continues to make progress. We appreciate your patience and look forward to sharing more in the future as we continue to refine our approach.

Status: Ongoing


Updated: November 30th 2020
We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.

Mouse & Keyboard on Consoles
Description: We are making progress on the matter, but it's a very challenging task and we are unable to predict the outcome of our investigations at this time.

Status: Ongoing

DDoS on consoles
Description: In close collaboration with our partners, new ways of mitigating DDoS attacks have been deployed. According to our metrics, we believe that we made significant progress on the topic and that we are seeing a notable reduction of the phenomenon.

We are also aware that the situation is not solved for everyone and that it remains an issue for some of our players. We will keep on working on the topic and provide regular updates.

Status: Ongoing

Streamer Mode
Description: The purpose of Streamer Mode is to protect our content creators with settings that allow them to increase their anonymity while streaming. The settings intend to discourage and prevent disruptive players from using streamers' public information in a toxic way.

The settings work to prevent two major disruptive behaviors:

  • Queue Sniping: When players taunt or kill a streamer after deliberately queuing at the same time as them.
  • Stream Sniping: When players intentionally use another players live-stream for information, or to act in a toxic manner because they are aware of the live-stream.

Status: First half of Y6

Cheating & Hacking
Description: Along with our partners, we continue making progress in terms of detection, communication and vulnerability improvements. Additional measures and fixes are scheduled to be released with Operation Neon Dawn.

We invite all our players to use the in-game reporting panel to flag any cheater you may encounter.

Status: Ongoing

Servers and Connectivity
Description: We have noticed an increase of connectivity issues during Operation Shadow Legacy; the entire Siege team has dedicated considerable resources and time to identify potential leads.

Once again, in close collaboration with our partners on that topic, we have made substantial progress. Additionally, we continue to have a closer look at the current connectivity issues and are exploring potential improvements.

A more in-depth communication should be released at some point in the future, we would like to offer the community a better understanding of our infrastructure and challenges.

Status: Ongoing

Runouts & Defuser Planting Detection
Status: Improvements released with Neon Dawn, refer to our patch notes for additional information.

Defuser Retrieval Improvements
Description: It is possible to drop the defuser in locations where it cannot be picked up again by running over it. Often outside of the map, in cracks, gaps between objects, holes, etc.

To fix this, we created a 'Pickup Defuser' interaction that works at a distance. It will aim for defuser retrieval to act like picking up any other gadget.

We deployed this new system during Y5S.3.3 but we encountered some complications. We hope to release a newer version very soon.

Status: During Y5S4

Bullet Holes peeking
Description: Single bullet holes are often used to gain an advantage during gunfights. We recognize that this situation can be quite frustrating for some players who couldn't spot the bullet hole from the distance. We are currently exploring different options to make smaller bullet holes more easily noticeable or unusable for such situations. We have made substantial progress and are quite confident about this solution. There is still some work to be done and we are not quite ready to share more for now.

Status: Y6S2

Enemies are too hard to see with certain skins equipped
Description: Certain Operator skins are notorious for blending quite effectively within the environment. This led to situation where players considered to be victim of an unfair advantage. We are investigating how to make Operators stand out a bit more from the environment.

Our goal is to let everyone pick and choose their skins without providing any sort of advantage. We will proceed with caution on that topic, as we don't want this solution to clash with the general art direction of the game.

Status: During Y6

Audio tinnitus
Description: Following numerous community feedback, we have decided to reconsider the audio tinnitus triggered upon taking damage. We acknowledged that the reduced sound feedback was having a very strong impact on gunfights and could lead to some frustration.

By substantially reducing the tinnitus, we hope to offer fairer gunfights and a better chance to win duels.

Status: Y5S4

Improved Flash detection/consistency
Description: The rework intends to make flash detection more reliable. Enemies are often not affected by flashes due to objects and obstacles. We want to simulate the light ricocheting with the environment, to improve the effectiveness of flashbangs & other similar gadgets.

Due to shifting priorities, we hope to address this topic a bit later during Year 6.

Status: Y6S2
over 3 years ago - Ubi_Frog - Direct link

Updated: August 18, 2021
We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.

Improved Flash Detection + Consistency
We’re happy to be bringing our new Flash Detection solution to Season 3! Our aim with this improved detection is to enable players to trust their tools by providing consistent results from their gadgets, be it from Stun Grenades, Ying's Candela or Blitz’s Flash Shield. We want players to have a better idea of how their flashes have affected the enemy so a lot of the guesswork can be taken out of these encounters. This has been achieved by simulating light bouncing off objects in the immediate environment and taking into account factors like the player's distance, location, and angle from the explosion to determine the duration of the flash effect.

This improvement to flashes is available in the Y6S3 Test Server, so don't hesitate to give it a try and let us know what you think - we'll be keeping an eye out to make sure that operators remain balanced in the wake of this change.

Status: Available at Y6S3 launch!

Enemies Are Too Hard To See With Certain Skins Equipped
Certain operator skins can cause players to blend into some environments. To help increase their visibility in the heat of a match, we’re adding the option to enable a rim lighting effect on operators. We feel this change adheres to our art style goals and will be a welcome change to anyone who's been fragged by a camouflaged enemy, as it should help players better separate enemies from the environment.

Even more importantly, your feedback is essential here. We want to hear what you think about the intensity and general feel of rim lighting. While we're excited to get this feature into your hands, we're open to tweaking it in order to make it the best it can be, so let us know what you think.

Status: Available at Y6S3 launch!

Flinch Animations in PvP
We know that flinching and the intensity of those animations has been an ongoing topic of conversation. We’re happy to announce that we’ve found a reduced flinch level that we think players will like. Of course this is a topic that requires your input. Give this change a try on the Y6S3 Test Server and let us know what you think! We are open to making tweaks to further improve players' experiences around flinching animations.

Status: Available at Y6S3 launch!

DBNO Kills
Putting in the work to get an enemy into a DBNO state but having a teammate (let's call them DeeBee) ultimately get the point for the frag can be frustrating. Beginning in Y6S3 (check it out on the Test Server), it will work as follows: Let's say you put an enemy into DBNO state and DeeBee frags them from that state. You will get the kill point. DeeBee will be awarded with an assist to reflect the difference in effort between these actions.

There is a caveat, though. In order to ensure players are receiving the clearest and more accurate intel possible, the DBNO scoring event has been removed and the player who dealt the final points of damage to the enemy (whether they were the one to put them in DBNO or not) will be the one shown in the kill feed. This is intended to prevent players from gaining unfair intel when they down an opponent who isn't in their line of sight and should better reflect their direct actions in the match, although as noted above, it will not be reflective of the points earned.

Status: Available at Y6S3 launch!

Friendly Fire – Team Gadget Launcher Damage
Currently, causing damage to an ally with the impact of a placeable gadget (e.g. Mozzie’s Pests, Lesion’s Gu Mines) does not bring anything tangible to the gameplay experience and is instead used as a form of toxicity. As a result, we've removed this form of damage. Other gadget interactions that cause damage as an end result (for example, C4, Impact Grenades, Breaching Rounds) will still cause friendly fire damage in the same way that they had previously, triggering the Reverse Friendly Fire system.

Status: Available at Y6S3 launch!

Screen Shakes
We’re aware that screen shakes can be overwhelming, uncomfortable, and can be particularly intense when the effects come from multiple sources simultaneously. In response to this, we’ve reduced the effects of screen shakes coming from explosions, while removing screen shakes from certain gadgets completely (take a look at our Y6S3 Designer's Notes for more information on the specifics). Our intention is for this to create a competitive environment where screen shakes are experienced in expected scenarios, but are not overbearing.

Status: Available at Y6S3 launch!

Customization: Elite 2.0
We know that many players are excited for Elite 2.0, so that they can mix and match items that they’ve earned. We’re releasing our first iteration of Elite 2.0, in which equipping an Elite will equip all of the pieces of that set (victory pose, operator card, and gadget skin) as they do already, though players will have the ability to swap out the headgear for another in their inventory.
This is just the first step in our customization goals with Elites, and we’ll be sharing more on this in the future.

Status: Available at Y6S3 launch, with additional updates over the coming seasons.

We’ve heard your feedback on the updated scoreboard that was launched in North Star, and we’ve made some tweaks. We want to ensure that the information that's most important to you stands out and is more easily readable in a pinch. Although we are happy with these new changes, we welcome your feedback on this new iteration!

You can see the incoming changes compared against Y6S2's scoreboard in the images below:

Status: Y6S3.2

Loadout Reset
We continue to actively investigate the loadout reset bug. It’s known that the issue tends to occur for some players during in-game events, though we have found that the occurrence is not unique to those events. We’re currently analyzing additional reasons for the reset, and we’re working on a solution to the issue.

Status: Ongoing

As the topics above near completion, we’re beginning to set our sights on additional changes that we believe will have a positive impact on player experience. We wanted to give you an early look at what we're beginning work on and will share more details and timing for these in subsequent Top Issues updates.

No Bomb Site Icons After Dropping The Defuser
Currently if a player drops the defuser, the bomb site icons are removed from the display and will only reappear once the defuser has been picked up. We know that removing this information from the attacking team can cause confusion, and so we’re looking at how we can change this so that the bomb site icons remain visible, helping players to not lose sight of the objectives.

Squad Management At the moment, players do not have tools to manage their squad as they’d like. In the future, we would like to add options that will enable players to change the leader of a squad, and easily remove players from the squad.

Disconnecting From A Squad Doesn’t Cause Proper Removal
When a player in a squad disconnects from the game, it doesn’t always result in the player being removed from the squad as expected. We’re looking into the cause of this and are working to implement a fix to make this work as expected.

Cheating, Hacking & Toxicity MMR Rollback 3.0
We previously mentioned that we were targeting a Y6S3 launch for this change and are happy to reveal that we're on target! We will be pushing an update to our MMR Rollback system at the launch of this season, which will ensure that fair players keep their hard-earned MMR, such as when they win against a cheater. Also, with an update to the timing window for rollbacks, players will find the system more reactive as it addresses relevant matches in a given season.

We will be sharing additional information about these changes as the season launch approaches and look forward to hearing your thoughts on this change.

Status: Available at Y6S3 launch!

Stream Sniping
We know that streamers and players need additional features to help protect them in-game, and to that end we are working on a fully featured solution. Streamer Mode brings with it some security hurdles to guaranteeing full anonymization (i.e. in-game anonymization, global account privacy) that we must solve in order to fulfill the scope of features that are expected.

We are planning to provide a server-side version (i.e. visible to both teams in-game) that will allow players to scramble some of their information. This will be delivered during Year 6 Season 4. Further updates will then follow and be released iteratively over the following seasons to continue building on the feature and offer even more protections against stream sniping.

We plan to provide a detailed roadmap for this functionality before the release of Season 4 to break down these iterative steps and make sure you know what to expect and when.

Status: Targeting Y6S4 for first iteration

Cheat Detection & Automated Data Bans
In 2021 alone, we’ve banned over 69,000 cheaters as we continue to strengthen the cheat detection tools available to us. As shared in our recent Reddit AMA, we are increasing our investment in anti-cheat, adding additional layers of encryption to make cheats harder to create, and improving the threshold of our data ban system to gives a little more leniency. On this topic, we’re confident with these automated bans, as we continue to make sure that cheaters are detected and sanctioned, while being confident we’re not risking false positives.
Towards the end of August, we’ll be sharing a more detailed and data-focused update on our anti-cheat efforts to give you more information on our battle against cheaters and cheat makers.

Status: Ongoing

DDoS On Consoles
We’re aware that DDoS is still an issue affecting players on console. We recently pushed additional network protections for specific datacenters that have made a significant difference in the amount of attacks and the number of player disconnections resulting from these attacks. So far, we are very happy with the numbers and we will continue to roll out these protections gradually once we do our usual sanity checks that there are no unwanted side effects. We will also provide an updated analysis very shortly, detailing the recent protection improvements.

In addition, we’re actively working on an improved method of detection which will help to identify more players who are using this cheating method. Already, we can see that the improvement is providing us with promising results.
Our efforts will continue in this area, with our next steps including the implementation of automatic sanctions once we are happy with the accuracy of the detection model.

Status: Ongoing

Mouse & Keyboard On Consoles
As shared in our recent Reddit AMA, this is very much an ongoing R&D project and we do have dedicated people working on this. Our goal is to ensure that these spoofers do not provide an unfair advantage for players while ensuring that we keep accessibility for disabled players in mind. We continue to actively work on this and will be running tests over the coming months to validate our approach. We will share more information on this once we are comfortable with the results of our detections and can move on to the next phase - taking action against unfair use.

Status: Ongoing

Preventative Sanctions
Preventative Sanctions will continue to be a focus for us in the year ahead, but in order to prioritize the development and timely release of MMR Rollback 3.0 and Streamer Mode, we've made the decision to shift our team's focus. Priority calls like this are always difficult, but we feel the trade-off of getting these features in players' hands sooner is worth it.

We plan to redirect our priority to Preventative Sanctions for Year 7, and will provide updates as we have more to share.

Status: Ongoing


Updated: June 16th 2021
We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.

Smoke Canister Gas Propagation
The propagation of the gas from Smoke’s Remote Gas Grenades was often problematic, appearing on the other side of undamaged walls, floors, or ceilings. We’ve reworked the propagation system for the gas itself, meaning the toxic gas will no longer travel through unbroken, or unopen boundaries, though it will spread through walls, floors, or ceilings where gaps have been created. We also changed the sound that the Remote Gas Grenades make upon detonation, making it much more distinct.

Status: COMPLETE. Available at Y6S2 launch!

Bullet Hole Peeking
Single bullet holes are often used to gain an advantage, and we recognize that the difficulty in spotting such holes from a distance can cause frustration for some players. With the changes we’re implementing to tackle this, single bullets will no longer create an isolated hole through a wall or barricade (this does not affect weapons with more destructibility), though firing multiple bullets or meleeing a wall will cause a larger hole to appear, as is the case at the moment. This should help reduce the frustration caused by singular bullet holes while still allowing players to make use of destructible surfaces.

Please note, bullet holes in thin materials like window glass and the inner cores of props are not affected by this change.

Status: COMPLETE. Available at Y6S2 launch!

Improved Flash Detection + Consistency
The goal here is to make flash detection more reliable and to give players confidence in this type of utility by improving its consistency. Basically, when you throw a flash, we want you to know how this will affect your opponents and the environment. The solution that we’re working on simulates the light bouncing off objects in the immediate environment, and the results we're seeing are encouraging. We’re currently evaluating the strength of flashes and are excited for players to get a chance to test this change soon!

Status: Y6S3

Enemies Are Too Hard To See With Certain Skins Equipped
We know that certain operator skins are well-known for blending into some environments, and this has led to situations where players felt they were at an unfair disadvantage. Our solution is to add a rim lighting effect to operators. So far, we're quite happy with the results and feel it is cohesive with the art style of the game. We are in the process of aligning on the colour of the rim lighting, and ensuring the effect is consistent across the game's many unique cosmetics.

At the end of the day, we want players to be able to choose the cosmetics they want without gaining an unfair advantage of any kind.

Status: Y6S3

As the topics above near completion, we’re beginning to set our sights on some additional changes that we believe will have a positive impact on player experience. We wanted to give you an early look at what we're beginning work on and will share more details and timing for these in subsequent Top Issues updates.

Loadout Reset
We’re aware that loadout and customization reset issues are prevalent for some players. While we have noticed the issue occurring during in-game events, we know that the issue is not exclusive to those. We’re investigating the issue and working towards a reliable reproduction and solution for this.

Flinch Animations in PvP
The flinch hit reaction has been a prominent topic across the player base, and this an area that we feel can be improved. We're investigating this topic and and will share updates in future editions of this blog.

DBNO Kills
Getting an enemy to a DBNO state and not receiving a point for the kill has been a source of frustration for players. We’re looking at this, as we feel that the player who downed the enemy should be awarded with the kill point if the enemy is taken out. Not only would this be more rewarding for the initial player, but this could remove a cause of toxicity from the game.

Friendly Fire – Team Gadget Launcher Damage
We are currently looking into the impact of hitting an ally with a gadget (e.g. Lesion's Gu Mines) or a launcher's direct hit (e.g. Mozzie's Pest), so that it no longer deals direct damage or results in a points loss. We are considering this change because such interaction does not bring any additional value to the gameplay experience, while also adding a form of unnecessary toxicity.

Following this, our intended plan is to remove the various damages caused when these situations occur. However, damage related to the end result of a gadget's deployment (e.g. actual explosion of a frag grenade) or launcher's actions (e.g. explosion of Ash's Breaching Round) will still inflict damage to allies and will still be considered within the Reverse Friendly Fire system.

Servers & Connectivity
During Neon Dawn and Crimson Heist we have seen connection based issues having a negative impact on players, and this is an area that we continue to work on at a global level, as we aim to resolve issues at their root.

In order to improve player experience, we’ve implemented a number of changes and shared our results in connectivity updates here and here. These changes have included migrating PC and PlayStation users to better servers, relocating the data centers for Japan and Australia, and launching a Middle East data center. Looking to the future, we have set a number of next steps, including global server migration on Xbox, working with partners to improve performance of the Middle East data center, and migrating servers in the South Africa data center.

Cheating, Hacking & Toxicity
Automating Data Bans
In our last Anti-Cheat DevBlog[rainbow6.com], we mentioned that we were working on building new cheat detections based on statistics to uncover our most disruptive cheat users. While this process was originally performed manually to stress test and validate its accuracy, we're excited to announce that we've updated it to be automatic. This mean that sanctions for cheaters identified through data-based detections will be delivered faster, reducing their impact on the community!

Implementing this automated process allows us to work in parallel and strengthen our collaboration with BattlEye. In the coming months, we will continue to develop new models and detection opportunities to increase our velocity on this front.

MMR Rollback
We are continuing to evolve the MMR rollback system by improving reactivity and minimizing negative impacts on honest players. The goal of MMR rollback is to help players who were in an unfair match. That being said, we know that it is frustrating for honest players to have their MMR rolled backed for matches where they won against a cheater, and we are working to address that.

We will continue to tweak the design as we work towards a clear and fair system. We are not able to share an exact timeline right now but are aiming for Season 3; stay tuned for more updates!

Preventative Sanctions This past year we have been working on the implementation of preventative sanctions, one of the first visible aspects of the reputation system. In the future, by detecting patterns of griefing and harassment, we will be able to preventatively activate sanctions, allowing us to quickly deal with repeatedly disruptive players and reduce the frustration associated with them.

One of our first integrations for preventative sanctions will be oriented around Reverse Friendly Fire, and we will then expand the scope to other issues. We believe that this new way of controlling regular abuses will greatly contribute to the detection and prevention of disruptive behaviour. As with other topics above, stay tuned for more updates!

Abandon Match Penalties We have increased sanction penalties for abandon-related offences, which players will notice with the launch of North Star. Paired with the recent improvements to match cancellation, we expect this to help discourage players from match abandons and limit the overall impact on committed players.

DDoS On Consoles
Over the last two seasons, we’ve made valuable progress in our fight against DDOS attacks on console, mitigating the effects of attacks. In addition to this, players who use this method of cheating are being banned, and our detection of such actions are constantly being improved. We will continue to look for methods of continued improvement as we seek to protect players from DDoS attacks.

Status: Ongoing

Mouse & Keyboard On Consoles
This subject is still a project priority, and the team continues to make progress. We appreciate your patience and look forward to sharing more in the future as we continue to refine our approach.

Status: Ongoing

Stream Sniping
We know you're expecting an update on protections against stream sniping, and we know how important this is to you. Since our last update, we've been very actively investigating several avenues for deploying a system that would counter this situation, all while providing an acceptable layer of security, but we don't want to set inaccurate expectations.

As a six-year-old game, Siege has a lot of technical debts, some of which go against anonymization or don't take into account the problem of stream sniping. This is unlike contemporary game releases which are often built from the start with streamers in mind. This means that the process of ensuring true anonymity is complex and not limited to the Siege team, but the team remains focused on providing a solid solution.

This also means that we don't have a timeline to share at the moment. We want everything to be right to match your needs, which will continue to require validating and testing of our approaches to ensure they're viable. Of course, we will continue to communicate on our progress.

To the many great creators in our community: we understand how profoundly disruptive it is to both your gameplay and content creation experience when you are targeted by stream snipers. We agree that it’s unacceptable and we ask that you continue to bear with us as we seek actionable solutions in and outside of the game to resolve the core reasons snipers are able to do what they do.
about 3 years ago - Ubi_Frog - Direct link

We will be updating the following list regularly to outline the status of certain issues that are currently pressing for our community. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and should only be used as a reference to give a general idea of where our focus currently is.

For more information on all the updates, changes and content that was released with Demon Veil, check out the seasonal patch notes here[rainbow6.com].

Crouch Running
We know that crouch running (normal movement speed while crouching) can sometimes lead to frustration in the hands of certain Operators, allowing them to arrive on the scene quickly and more discretely than others. Currently, we're making some tweaks to the volume of crouch walking. We want crouch walking to be a viable option for all Operators, while ensuring that the action can be heard.

Status: Y7S2

FOV Slider for Consoles
We hear you, you want an FOV slider on consoles! Changing the FOV can have an impact on performance, and it's important that if a player prefers a higher FOV, that the game retains it's playability. To this end, we're currently testing this option on current and last gen consoles, ensuring that a high FOV can be used to it's full potential.

Status: During Y7S1

Deployment Progress Timing
In some cases the deployment progress bar may not perfectly align with the timing of the action itself, meaning that cancelling deployment in the last moment, can lead to a gadget still being placed. It's crucial that this can be trusted in those high pressure moments, and so we're reworking this to make it completely reliable.

Status: During Y7

Loadout Reset
During the course of Y6S4 we have seen a reduction in loadout resets occurring, however we're aware that with the additional customization of Elite 2.0, this issue has the potential to cause increased frustration. We continue to monitor and actively investigate this, as we work towards a definitive solution.

Status: Ongoing

Squad Management
Currently, managing your squad can be a cumbersome process, requiring players to create new squads if they'd like to remove players or change the squad leader. We're working on options that will simplify this process, allowing players to be promoted to leader, or removed from the group.

Status: During Y7

Servers & Connectivity
Of course, good connectivity is key to having a good Siege experience. After an increase in connectivity issues resulting in disconnections was recently found, members of our team were dedicated to investigate and resolve the issue. As part of this, we knew that we needed to alleviate the change of a wrongful sanction being handed out. To this end, we've updated our system to reduce the chance of a sanction being given in a case where it is not warranted. Our work on connectivity continues, and we'll be providing updates on this as we make further improvements.

Cheating, Hacking & Toxicity
Cheating continues to be a top priority for us and adding the phone verification requirement for Ranked is just one of the actions that we're currently taking to help with this. While this feature rolls out, we're working on and exploring further solutions and improvements, and we'll be sharing more on this subject as soon as we're ready. To see our latest updates on Anti-cheat, dig into February's Anti-Cheat Status Update and our Understanding Anti-Cheat Blog[rainbow6.com].

Privacy Mode
It's important that streamers and players alike are able to protect themselves and are given the privacy options to do that. We recently started with a soft launch of the upcoming Privacy Mode[rainbow6.com], giving participants the opportunity to test out new features, provide feedback, and ultimately to help improve the overall experience. Once we're satisfied that the updated Privacy Mode gives players the protection they need, we will move forward with a full release. Until then, work continues to ensure that the right options are included to help players have a safe and customisable experience.

Status: Targeting later in Y7S1

Mouse & Keyboard On Consoles
Our dedicated team continues to work on this project, evaluating and testing solutions to move forward with. It's important to us that using spoofers do not provide an advantage for players, creating a level playing field for all. At the same time, we don't want to exclude players who need these from an accessibility standpoint. It's crucial that we take the right approach for our players, and we'll be sharing more information once we're confident with our solution.

Status: Ongoing

Want to look back at our previous update? Find it here[rainbow6.com].