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Warden is broken and I constantly have to play against one every round. Whenever I use flash grenades or Ying there is always a Warden on the other team that uses his ability and counters my flashes. On top of that he can see through smoke! So OP! and why does he hold his weapons like that when he runs sooo OP!! and why is he a 1 Speed 3 Armor operator?? He is a absolute tank with the devastating BB gun known as the MPX and Mutes shotgun. He is such a hard counter to so many operators! Plz nerf or remove!

- said literally nobody ever
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by Nick Witucki
One of these days I will convince my friends to form a Tachanka, Warden, Clash, Goyo and Castle dream team!
Dream team indeed! Who'd you play as in this scenario?
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by WhackyClock
Warden is broken and I constantly have to play against one every round. Whenever I use flash grenades or Ying there is always a Warden on the other team that uses his ability and counters my flashes. On top of that he can see through smoke! So OP! and why does he hold his weapons like that when he runs sooo OP!! and why is he a 1 Speed 3 Armor operator?? He is a absolute tank with the devastating BB gun known as the MPX and Mutes shotgun. He is such a hard counter to so many operators! Plz nerf or remove!

- said literally nobody ever
You had me in the first half, I'm not gonna lie.

What are some ways that you'd like to see Warden buffed? I've seen a lot of people suggest giving him the P90 and allowing him to move with his glasses enabled. Thoughts?
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by McCartneyMartin
Give Warden smoke. That would change everything.
Smokes on defense? Now that would be something. Love your forums picture, by the way! Huge Splinter Cell fan.

Originally Posted by Nick Witucki
One of these days I will convince my friends to form a Tachanka, Warden, Clash, Goyo and Castle dream team!
Dream team indeed! Who'd you play as in this scenario?
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Originally Posted by WhackyClock
Removing his gadgets charge time would be a step in the right direction, maybe make him invulnerable to Zofias and Elas stuns. Anything to increase his play rate. He has potential he just needs a little something that would make him less niche.
Originally Posted by mike_cauxmall
It'd help if you removed his gadget's charge time. Or you can modify it like if he's moving, it gets a penalty but if he's standing still it doesn't need a charge for it to be full effect. He needs a buff on his gadget for people to pick him more. He feels like a meme op for now but a good meme op I can get kills with. He'll be a proper op with a good gadget buff.
This has also been a popular suggestion for Warden! Do you guys feel his guns are solid at the moment then?
I'm not sure about making him invulnerable to Zofia and Ela's stuns, but I'm curious what others think.

Originally Posted by neb600
Both of these, better cooldown like everyone has said , give him a better machine pistol as the smg-12 is such a pain to use and give him impacts back.

Personally is would like to see the Spsmg-9 (Clash's MP) with its 2 round burst added back as an option.

Also it would be interseting to see only the smoke vison part be on cooldown and the Flash protection part be a toggle. This could be a bit op tho.
Do you feel Warden's kit is improved with impacts?