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I would like to know how a matchmaking where ONE SINGLE PLAYER totally and every round eliminates the opposing team can be considered acceptable?
Please, explain it to me because in my opinion it makes absolutely no sense!
What kind of parameter do you use for choosing opponents?
But are you serious?

Post Edited for Naming and Shaming

Lost 10 round of 10 !!!!
But are you crazy ???
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Hey all, thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings on smurf accounts and the Quick Match (Casual) MMR system, I appreciate it.

First, let's cover smurfing! This has been something the dev team has begun investigating due to the kind of interactions players have been having in Quick Match, Unranked, and Ranked. It's unfair for our players to be matched up against someone who clearly has more experience in the game than their clearance/rank suggests. Myself, UbiMorning, and UbiFate have been keeping track of threads discussing these issues and we're making sure the devs are aware each week. I don't have any more to share on that front, but when we get information that we're allowed to share, you'll see something from us.

Now on to Quick Match MMR. The mode does have its own hidden MMR system separate from Ranked that determines who you're matched up against. I've seen as of late players unhappy with the probability of getting placed against a Plat player since they stick to Ranked and barely play Quick Match. I'll be adding this thread to my dev notes and presenting them at the end of the week.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by PierlucaM2013
This news makes me very happy!
Can I suggest a reputation system for player behavior?
Absolutely, go for it!
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by xcel30
That's funny i remember they started investigating smurfing during operation health, so only NOW they started to investigate or is the same lip service?
I wasn't working on Siege during Operation Health, so I'm unable to confirm what their plans were around that time.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by The_.Riddler
Please communicate that there is another side to this story though ... and that is the players who stick to Casual and never play Ranked. I am in that group, so I'm self-interested in how it gets treated.

I do not play ranked. I do not like AAA/DDD. I do not like Bomb. I do not like map design philosophy that caters specifically to Bomb-only matches. I do not like the Pick & Ban system. I do not like all the limitations, restrictions, and balance-smithing in Ranked. No sir ... I do not like it. And so if I don't like Ranked what am I supposed to play? Unranked? That's just "ranked lite" so it is hardly any different.

And so that really only leaves me one place to go ... Casual (Quick Play) with it's "own hidden MMR". Is it doing the job? The answer is a resounding NO. The matches are universally plagued with unbalanced teams, smurfs, and stacks of Platinums being thrown against teams of newbies.

So whatever system the "hidden MMR" is using for Casual is inadequate. It is a failure. It is not working. Repeat that to the developers until you are blue in the face. The Casual MMR is NOT WORKING. It is broken. It is borked. It is a disaster. It is awful. Whatever pejoratives you want to use please go ahead and use them. The Casual MMR is a hard failure and must be revisited.

The people who play Casual and do not want to play Ranked need a matchmaking system that is fair, balanced, and that allows them to block out the Smurfs and high ranked players who are gaming the system.
Thanks for this, I'll be sure to add your thoughts in my notes. I can understand your frustration with the Quick Match MMR. Like I mentioned earlier, it's been a hot topic in the community the past few weeks, so we'll be sure to keep the devs updated on how our players feel about the system. What do you think could be used as an alternative to Quick Match MMR?

Originally Posted by xcel30
Don't misunderstand, i believe you and this isn't a personal attack against you in any way, just saying devs have many times said some random lip service before so i don't trust you as this point was once brought up and then shut down. Similarly they nerfed thatcher to not break cams saying it was part of an ongoing rework and there would be a future buff that would make this change make more sense, that was more than an year ago.

Transparency is something the devs appear to have forgotten the same as general feedback
One thing that I can touch on are reworks. Those take a lot more time than you might anticipate. The amount of testing, re-testing, tweaks, animations, interaction with other objects in the game world, etc, etc, takes a really long time to do. I'm not necessarily speaking about Thatcher, I just mean reworks in any game.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by xcel30
Don't misunderstand, i believe you and this isn't a personal attack against you in any way, just saying devs have many times said some random lip service before so i don't trust you as this point was once brought up and then shut down. Similarly they nerfed thatcher to not break cams saying it was part of an ongoing rework and there would be a future buff that would make this change make more sense, that was more than an year ago.

Transparency is something the devs appear to have forgotten the same as general feedback
One thing that I can touch on are reworks. Those take a lot more time than you might anticipate. The amount of testing, re-testing, tweaks, animations, interaction with other objects in the game world, etc, etc, takes a really long time to do. I'm not necessarily speaking about Thatcher, I just mean reworks in any game.
over 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally Posted by Gravemind01
Lol yes because god forbid you shame people who are ruining the games experience like a total jacka$$. Gotta protect the important people amirite?
As a community, it's not healthy to publicly name or shame other players in a negative way, even though it may seem like they've done something to warrant it. We ask for our players to take any visual evidence of cheating and toxic behavior to Ubisoft Support so it can be handled properly internally.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
However, the name and shame has no evidence. It's just one person's accusation.
Exactly! Epi has a great thread here about why we don't allow naming and shaming on the forums.
over 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Locking this thread down as it is not going anywhere constructive. If you are trying to report a player, we can only process reports through our support portal.
Please make sure you are following the forum rules and respect the "no naming and shaming" rule. Please also see this post for a better explanation. Any further questions about this rule can be sent via a DM to any of the moderators. Thank you for your understanding.