Hey Jaggertail, thanks for getting in touch!
If steps suggested by Ubi-Froggard did not help, we have heard back from some players who have reported that disabling IPv6 (if that is enabled with your router), has temporarily resolved this issue.
These general steps should give you a good start:
1. Right-click the network icon in the bottom right corner of your desktop, and click "Open Network and Internet Settings"
2. In the middle of the window that appears, click "Change Adapter Options"
3. Next, right click on the network adapter you are looking to change and then select Properties.
4. Now, uncheck the box for Internet Protocol Version (TCP/IPv6) and then click OK.
If you need further assistance with disabling IPv6, please contact your internet service provider.
You may also try the following:
Run the Windows System File Checker which finds and repairs issues with some core Windows files. After running SFC your Windows should update properly again.
Microsoft has a guide for this
You will only need to complete steps 1-4.
Keep us updated and should you have any questions in the meantime, let us know!