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got a ranked ban for the game crashing three times in a row, havent been able to boot up the game without some kind of connection or server error

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Auron - Direct link

Hey @Spoombles and welcome to our forums!

I'm sorry to hear about you game crashing and banning you. Do you remember what was the exact error you received? If it ever happens again, please take a screenshot if possible and send it our way, it will greatly help in our investigation 😊

Our team is constantly working to improve the online experience, but in the meantime please also try completing all the steps in our connectivity troubleshooting guide, in order to minimise the chance of any potential crashes. Thanks!

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @MattyOnTop thank you for getting in touch with.

We are unable to lift any temporary abandon sanctions from disconnections as we do not have the ability to do so, this is solely managed by the game.

The length of your ban will vary depending on if this is a first offence, or if you have encountered several disconnections in a short space of time.
If you received a certain error code when you disconnected, can you please check our known error codes article to see what may have caused your disconnection, here > https://ubi.li/85k9w