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i have an nvidia rtx 2060 video card, with updated drivers but it won't let me open rainbow six vulkan mida an error saying not ccompatible drivers hardware found what can i do?
over 5 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
It is currently not available on the live build. We are currently working on a few things with it. We will let you know once it is available!
over 3 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
It depends on your PC specs. It's designed to help older hardware with performance, so it'll vary from person to person.
over 3 years ago - Ubi-Mercury - Direct link
Hey Cesax_, thanks for reaching out! Sorry to hear about this error message you're receiving on launch. Just to clarify, you noticed this error start to occur after your graphics card drivers were updated, is this correct?
over 3 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by GoliathusUzb
I have the same problem. We discussed this moment with the technical support service for a long time. The problem is widespread and most likely related to NVIDIA drivers.

My drivers were already updated before I purchased Siege
Hey there,

Sorry to hear you also have trouble.

Would it be possible to share your case number so we can take a look. I ask to ensure that any troubleshooting is not repeated for you.

Many thanks