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So i've been having issues with Jitter, since the new update for siege to fix some.... issues that dropped as Y7 rolled in. I know, a lot of players / support staff will say "check if your internet is stable, if your downloading anything,....." and i want to say, yes i've checked and no nothing is downloading, uploading or saving (example being onedrive trying to save files or windows trying to update against wishes).
The issue at hand is yes Jitter, but strangly it only happens at night around 21:00 till well when i come back from work at 15:40 (this is militery time for US players / suppoert), my internet is one and the same, only i'm connected to it and no one ells, download is about 120MB/s upload is about 80MB/s. Ive tracked my internet speed while playing the game using a seperate application, but when i test while playing the game durring the day its fine, but when it gets past 21:00 the internet is still fine, but the game starts jittering out of control. I'm from EU west so my normal ms is 8-20 normaly but while jitter happens it jumps to 120 which strange. I've tryed replacing the modem, reseting modem, reseting PC,..... nothing works. So id like to ask the siege support staff if they have any insight into what might be wrong? are the servers unstable or is it a connection issue that will just be here, cuz i didnt spend 40€ to buy the year pass and another 20€ to buy the monty elite skin (yes i like the monty elite skin since it brings back the good old days of xcom and xcom 2 which the outfit is based on)

I hope that you guys dont try to rip me a new ***hole for my bad grammer (i'm german but moved to Slovenia).

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SpaceCats - Direct link

@chaosmarko Hey there! Firstly, your English and grammar are great, so no worries! 😊

Can you please go through our Rainbow Six Siege PC Connectivity troubleshooting guide, to see if these steps help? 

If you're still experiencing this jittering and lag, please reach out to our Support Team via our Support Website or Twitter, with an image of your port forwarding configuration. The ports required for Rainbow Six Siege are located in the article linked above.
The exact process of port forwarding varies by router and internet provider. Usually, you can access your port forwarding configuration from your PC by logging into your router. Instructions are specific for every router and ISP, so you may need to contact them if you need more assistance with this. Thank you!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @v-xx welcome to the forum, it appears you are replying to quite an older post where the player never came back to confirm if this fixed their issue or not.

Are you currently experiencing jitter issues also? Are you able to give us some more details of how long you have been experiencing this in-game, what happens exactly and if any particular game modes are affected?
Not all of our players who will experience this issue will have it caused by the exact same thing, so this is where our troubleshooting guides come in, they may help resolve the issue for the player or at least rule out a few possible causes of why this is happening, such as corrupted/missing game files, game launcher issues, software, hardware, or connection and network issues.

Our Help website has many individual troubleshooting guides available that we will ask our players to check and run through, as it's often more efficient than typing out every single step of troubleshooting in our forum threads.
If you would like further help with this issue, please reply to this thread and let us know in further detail about your jitters and what you have tried so far to resolve them, so we can help you further?